I’m from Michigan and a former GOP chair of Genesee County Michigan. I never liked Mike Rogers and still don’t. He would make a horrible FBI Director, especially for the MAGA movement.

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Livingston County agrees!

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I’m also from MI and I didn’t like that he said on Vote411 that he promised he’d no NOTHING to oppose abortion in MI since we passed the evil and extreme 2022 Proposal 3. I voted for him because there wasn’t any other option. Maybe it’s just as well he got his election stolen from him.

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Kash would be the better choice!

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Maybe Rogers made a big apology for being duped by Russia Russia ? At least he should have. And I still feel that Clinton, Steele, Mueller, FBI elites, should all be prosecuted and jailed for the hoax.

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immediately...there should be raids for dayz on these traitors...but Rogers would never do it...

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Plenty of people within Trump's first cabinet can be prosecuted for a covering-up conspiracy not to prosecute Hillary and thousands more under the inchoate federal criminal statutes for what went on the last four years under the Biden-Harris administration. All is not rosey just because Trump got elected. The American voters, and especially the ones that supported Trump want accountability. Call it retribution if you want but Orangeman better do something this time, or at least avenge his own assassination attempts done at the behest of Sleepy Joe and the CIA.

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We have proof that many shut down investigations and prosecutions into the Clintons and Hunter Biden. The millions in bribes that the Biden family raked in should be addressed. After all, it's illegal. I'd like someone to look into all the election fraud investigations that Bill Barr shut down

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I would also add that Trump has a tendency, or should I call it a character trait, to forget everyone else once he gets what he wanted. Well we, the American people, want these hundreds, if not thousands, of the Federal, State, and Local Lefties prosecuted for wilfully violating, hindering, or aiding and abetting violations of the federal laws over the past four years, including the Federal marijuana laws for Trump to get them all if need be.

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you can call it revenge...and yes, we demand it!

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It's not revenge, retribution, or vengeance. It's justice! And justice for all!

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Just apply the law and stand back.

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Lucy will always pull back the football while Charlie Brown continues to try to kick it without ever learning. I'm starting to wonder if Charles Schultz intended that metaphor to be for voting.

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It's actually called accountability. The SCOTUS Presidential Immunity ruling is NOT groundbreaking. Presidents, Legislators, and Judges always enjoyed Absolute Immunity. The 2024 SCOTUS Ruling was just a clarification as to how the doctrine applies to the facts of Trump's case(s), said facts being wide and varying, and stretching through periods of time when he was President and when he wasn't. It was more of a Factual decision than a legal one as the legal doctrine of Absolute Immunity was determined a long time ago. Now Joe Biden is NOT off the hook. The reason why Sleepy Joe pardoned Hunter for every and all crimes committed by him over a period of 10 years is because Hunter is the only witness against Sleepy Joe. However, Biden can be indicted for RICO and other crimes, and Hunter can be charged as an unindicted coconspirator. This is where I don't trust Bondi, a patronage hire, as having the experience in what needs to be done. This is a job for Rudy in his prime or someone like him. That is not Bondi. Trump, again, is going to screw this up just like Hillary, the driving force for all Trump's problems from Day One-The Queen Puppetmaster.

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Good work Roger! Thanks

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Roger it's important that you get this information to your friend our President Donald j Trump.

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That’s a HARD NO!

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Don’t like the idea of Mike Rogers as FBI director. What is Trumps reason for choosing him?

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That’s the $64 dollar question Gilbert. Surely, Trump has good info on Rogers? Trust is everything at this point. One OR MORE bad apples can do major damage to the Trump Train?

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Perhaps the "good info" he has on Mike Rodgers is compromising enough that he can use/control him because he has learned the hard way he can never trust the FBI no matter who is in charge.

It's just a thought and probably totally off the mark

But when you can not find anyone who is both capable AND that you can trust you may have to settle for someone capable you can control

Trusting the FBI has proved to be a bad idea. The department of "control files" which has been in place since Hoover set up the FBI perhaps needs more than a little control itself using technics that they refined to a nasty art. You can't be having FBI directors that can't be fired which is what we've had. When a president is impeached merely for firing a FBI director that has to be a wake up. (perhaps that is not the reason they used to impeach but firing Comey set off a shit storm that was quite an unpleasant spectacle. You'd think he fired a king or something rather than a deep state grunt).

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You're absolutely right. Here's the top example of that. I was an early supporter of DJT for the 2016 election and James Comey was then the FBI Director. During the summer of 2016, Omar Mateen murdered 49 people and wounded 53 more in a nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Comey made some public statement about the FBI doing "its job" well in the case, but I could tell that Comey was lying. (I'm a professional investigator and observing "tells" when people lie are second nature to me.)

After my armchair investigation, I found that the FBI not only had been watching Mateen for years before the mass murders, but when he went to a gun store to buy the weapons and gear to prep for his mass murders, the gun store reported him to the FBI because they didn't think Mateen was trying to buy the weapons for self-defense or hunting. (Of course, they didn't sell anything to him either). The FBI visited the gun store but did nothing and let Mateen carry out his mass murders.

Later, when the phony DOJ tried to go after Mateen's wife, it came out that Mateen's father had been an FBI informant for years! The case against Mateen's wife fell apart as it became clear that the FBI was far more culpable in the mass murders than Mateen's wife could possibly be.

I wrote an article about the FBI's complicity in the case and specifically cited James Comey as culpable not only in the mass murders but in the cover up of the FBI's involvement in the case. I felt so strongly about what a danger Comey was that I wrote to DJT, his sons, Rudy Giuliani, and others, urging that Comey be fired and then investigated from day one, should DJT become elected President. Unfortunately, President Trump ignored my adivce and permitted Comey to remain in power. Comey promptly went to work to destroy DJT's Presidency and America from within! President Trump cannot afford to make such a terrible mistake again. And Comey should still be prosecuted, convicted, and imprisoned.

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James Feldman for assistant FBI director! All good information. I wish that the DJT team had listened to you back in 2016. I hope that all of the files are opened, and cover-ups exposed. And agree that "looming doofus" (as Col. Schlichter called him) Comey should be imprisoned.

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Kash, the whole Kash, and nothing but the Kash!

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I want more Kash!

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Cash is king they say. Both kinds.

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Kash is MONEY!

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Roger, so far you and Alex Jones have my vote but I'm waiting to see both of your reactions to Trump handles the question of pardons for J6ers, which should have been done before he left office last time under Ex Parte Garland. I've been critical from the onset especially when Trump was giving out pardons to gold-tooth rappers while j6ers were on the run. We don't need any more pom-pom shakers. If the pardons are not handed out swiftly and unconditionally after Trump takes office on Jan. 20th, I hope to expect a different tune from you despite recognizing that you yourself got one.

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General Mike Flynn works for me

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Sharing widely with Michiganders who pray. At this moment Kash is the nominee. Mich is heading for recounts which may put Rogers in the senate. … not a happy thought either… but if there’s use for him under pressure to count when needed….(not counting on this except for optics and to vote on party line leaders…Maybe)

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Roger you warned us back in April that Rogers is a bad apple. Soon after your post, Trump went beyond the primary process in MI and endorsed him. I was working with other candidates and we all said WTF! We hope this time you have Trump’s ear. Meantime we are stuck with Elyssa Slotkin as senator. People are not stupid, and they can spot a foney who is a kiss ass!

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WTH is he thinking...whoever suggested this jerk should be fired or exiled from this administration...

Kash...or else.

Thanks, Roger...such a critically important pick...

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Any time the Feds are put on a case charges will follow. That's where they come up with "Let's not make a federal case out of this" and "The Feds can indict a ham sandwich" and other sayings. Trump has demonstrated to the average citizen that our criminal justice is thoroughly corrupt. The acceptance of "prosecutorial discretion" as an excuse for who and who not is charged is the acceptance of corruption. Arrests and indictments should not flow from "probable cause" but from "clear and convincing evidence" with no discretion. That will clear up a lot of things especially charges of racism.

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Wow! This kind of analysis is unique. Stone has a knowledge of on the ground activities of the political class that few people have. This column gives a unique insight into the mindset of that mover and shaker class.

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