Ok, to fix social security and keep it solvent we need to do the folllowing:

a) means testing- anyone well off with multiple properties and lots of wealth, no more payouts but keep medicare if using

b) full audit so benefits are stopped to dead people

c) full audit so benefits are stopped to fraudsters using multiple IDs to collect

d) benefits paid to citizens only - not people here illegally

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So there is no difference in either party is what you are telling me? We spend more money on healthcare than any country in the world and rank 68th in outcomes, and it’s getting worse.

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They may not be reducing the Medicare budget(maybe), but there is a reduction of the reimbursement amount to Doctors from Medicare. As an example in 2022 the reimbursement amount may have been 50% of the amount billed, but in 2023 it has dropped to 45%. Effectively this allows Medicare to have the same budget, but cover more seniors at the cost of the Doctors. Ultimately, this could very well lead to social medicine as Doctors refuse to treat Medicare patients. Also most private insurers follow reimbursement from Medicare. Seniors need to tell both parties NOT to cut reimbursement to doctors or we may well lose our doctors.

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Trump was right about everything

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Mr. Stone, I hold a great deal of respect for you thus, I appreciate your political insight. Trump's greatest weakness is, in fact, the gene therapy injections and his support of them even though it's well known the jabs are killing our people and our kids. I voted for Trump twice, and in good conscience, I will not vote for a man who promoted the death jab, nor will I vote for any member of the left. I understand many who have opposed the injections met with Trump, and hopefully, they changed his point of view on the death jab. I pray for you and your wife; maybe you can reason with Trump to point out the issues I have with the man. Even if Trump changes his mind about the jab, I will not change mine. Trump has great access to data, public opinion, etc. and there is no reason Trump can cling to the false position of gene therapy. Over 600,000,000 doses have been given in plain view and worldwide SADS has only begun.

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Trump got a Delta vax going ASAP as people were crying for one.

They were for the elderly/vulnerable!!!!! That’s it!!! Trump was gone after that!!!

Biden opened it up for all ages and mandated a vax when delta was gone!!! Trump vax was for Delta!!! Not omicron!!!!!

Trump said it was choice!

He said they have pros and cons!!

And again he said in Newsweek they are not for the young!!!

What don’t people get? Even Dr Jay Battchawana ( can’t remember spelling ) said on Bongino show that there still is twisted data supporting the vax for the elderly!!!!

People need to correct people spreading misinformation about what trump did or didn’t do.

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I agree, I’m tired of hearing or reading about the vax complaint, it’s exactly like you described. Trump said all that and people wanted it. As the first vax and booster came out my elderly mother in her 80s and my stepfather even more elderly got those vaccines. And they’re doing fine. I think they stopped taking vaccines after that because they were fed up with it. But my stepfather is getting ready to celebrate his 100th birthday this summer with a big party. He still driving and going to poker and everything he’s been doing before Covid. They never caught it. I didn’t get because I’m in good health and much younger.

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Facts are facts! You make a good point.

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Roger I contributed to your legal team and wish u well in this endeavor.i will not go behind ur paywall. I choose to unsubscribe.

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What's your problem why can't you just accept the truth about these CV Jabs?

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