Deep State Thug John Brennan Must Be Investigated and Prosecuted for Treason
After being convicted due to overwhelming evidence of his guilt, this enemy of the American Republic should be punished accordingly.
The first month of the Trump Administration has been serendipitous, with bureaucrats being put on the defensive and corrupt acts becoming unearthed through the DOGE task force every single day.
But as new revelations come to pass, the egregious behaviors that happened in the past must not be forgotten nor forgiven, and the individuals responsible for calling the shots must be punished accordingly.
Former CIA Director John Brennan is more culpable than perhaps anyone in the genesis of Russia-gate. Even though he was fired immediately by President Trump upon his initial arrival in the White House, Brennan sowed the seeds for Trump’s destruction behind the scenes throughout his campaign and during the presidential transition. Brennan’s subversive stain permeated through Trump’s four-year term and caused immeasurable damage.
Brennan was aware that the infamous “Steele Dossier” was used to justify the FISA warrants to spy on Trump campaign staffers. His claim that Russian intelligence hacked the Democratic National Committee computer servers was never proven and is almost certainly false. Brennan, true to CIA form, laundered this dubious information into the public mindset as part of his cynical campaign to undermine Trump.
The Durham Report provided demonstrable evidence that Brennan briefed then President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden about the Steele Dossier fully aware that Hillary Clinton’s campaign plotted to use it to frame Trump as a puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Brennan also shamefully set up over two-dozen Trump advisors for surveillance by the corrupt U.S. intelligence apparatus, while also colluding with foreign intelligence to conduct the illicit, politically-motivated spying operation.
Brennan was instrumental in the illegal FISA warrants and wiretaps that were deployed in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election, which targeted Trump’s most vocal supporters, including myself. According to Newsmax, a U.S. Court found in 2023 that misuse of the FISA courts extended far beyond the mere targeting of Trump backers, citing that the FBI found the mechanism had been used improperly almost 300,000 times in recent years, confirming the fears of civil libertarians about the surveillance state.
Brennan was also involved in the electoral interference and censorship operation that helped screw Trump out of his rightful second term in 2020. He was among the 51 former intelligence officials who penned a letter proclaiming the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop as “Russian Disinformation and Propaganda,” which was an absurd falsehood promulgated to strongarm woke social media corporations into putting a Big Brother censorship apparatus in place to keep the legitimate story from impacting the minds of voters on election day. Brennan and his deep state co-conspirators, accurately called “Spies Who Lie” by the New York Post, are finding it difficult to cope with the fact that the public refused to buy their nonsense and re-elected Trump to his historic second term, rejecting their warped elitist mindset completely.
Brennan and his fellow federal apparatchiks see themselves as the sagacious gatekeepers who possess a holy mandate in determining the leader of the free world. It is this cabal who are the arbiters of democracy, not the will of the people as was the term’s traditional definition, according to this self-serving ideology. The likes of Brennan have lorded over Washington D.C. for far too long. As a result we had limitless debt, endless wars, the unconstitutional expansion of power and the decimation of fundamental rights, but like Vice President J.D. Vance said there’s a new Sheriff in town, and Sheriff Trump is putting bad hombres like Brennan to justice.
Because of his long history of anti-American behavior, Brennan would certainly be the perfect disgraced official to make into a harsh example. Brennan confessed during a lie detector test that he was an operative for the Communist Party of America during four different election cycles. Due to institutional rot, this startling revelation somehow did not preclude Brennan from serving in the CIA. Former FBI Special Agent John Guandolo, a crucial leader of the bureau’s counterterrorism efforts following the Sept. 11 attacks, revealed that Brennan actually converted to radical Islam while working as a CIA Station Chief in Saudi Arabia. Talk about a conflict of interest!
Brennan’s connections made him the perfect CIA Director as President Barack Hussein Obama corroded every American institution to soften the nation up for its collapse into socialism. Brennan was the perfect CIA Director to funnel arms and money into the hands of ISIS militants as they wreaked havoc across the Middle East and Europe. He was the perfect CIA Director to oversee the Russia-gate frame job against President Trump. And he more than deserves to be the first in the history of the Agency’s existence to face treason charges, and after being convicted due to overwhelming evidence of his guilt, this enemy of the American Republic should be punished accordingly.
Thug is a perfect description of Brennan, he even looks the part
The biggest serial killer of all time. Great stack👍