Everything of a deceitful and loathsome nature always seems to lead back to the Clinton’s.

And to well connected and morally bankrupt Democratic pawns .

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Good luck Roger, God bless

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Love the Stone Man

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Be on high alert patriots

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Congressional investigation equals TRUTH BURIED. Kill presidents then cover it up. Bastards

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Roger, you must expose their conduct to the public. EXPOSE EVERYTHING! No mercy. PEOPLE MUST KNOW THEIR GAMES.

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Share their games

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It's amazing that you can take the votes away from the Democrats, lie vociferously about the Biden and Harris failures in office right to their faces, eliminate any choice for President, since the powers of the Democrat hierarchy make the decision for them. The media covers Biden's decline, the breakdown of the border, the loss of our sovereignty, disastrous foreign policy, and most of all the economy in free fall and now they'll defend Harris to the death. lf you comment to a Kamalaite, the name calling arrives in such heightened fury that even moderators on the Wall Street Journal remove their comments as threats. But they must believe in the country's decline and are in favor of its continued spiral down into a place where no one is safe, secure and the quality of life is gone. Since that is what we are offered by the Democrats who are pure globalists using a veil in the name of democracy.

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So sorry for what you have went through and what you and your family are going through. Hang tight and everything will be alright!

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Roger Stone is one of the most eloquent commentators that has defended the conservative/ truth narrative. I for one am grateful that he is no longer serving the unjust imprisonment at the hands of the corrupt henchmen acting to silence anyone that champions the cause of truth, justice and freedom.

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Everyone around Trump has been attacked and Trump is silent. Either Trump is co-opted or he is one of them. Not going after Hillary Clinton, as promised in his presidential debate with her, should have been a clue.

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That is truly a lame argument.

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“Everyone,” is just hyperbole at best and at worst skirting slander.”Trump is silent…” an accusation that is impossible to prove.” Either Trump is co-opted or he is one of them.” Ascribing motivation that is at best mere speculation.

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Well, sit on your thumb and enjoy the ride.

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I don’t believe you and, you DIDN’T present ANY information. You made baseless accusations and an inference to some operation.

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How about supporting 'operation warp speed' after it was document an over estimated 17 million people died from the clot shot. This mistake doesn't happen by accident.

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I am the first to admit that Donald J Trump is NOT God. Nonetheless your diversion away from your original stupid comment is fully noted. It is truly galling that the left can never stay on point . They, by necessity, have to change the subject because they have nothing. Again, DJT is not God, but there has never been a leader in power that could claim deity. The left have the honor of being the highest number of claimants to this falsehood. Trump absolutely made errors during his first administration the most glaring being his trust in Anthony Fauci and the Big Pharma organizations.Nevertheless he has had the experience of hindsight and the time to identify the deep state actors that he will work to eliminate on his first day in office.

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Jeff Anderson. I am not a leftist nor a RINO. I was involved in Minnesota Republican Party starting back in 1993. I attended the protest on January 6th at the Capitol in DC. The information I presented is factual and not in dispute. Trump took money and aligned himself with big pharma in the first term. Make America First went out the window to our detriment. Like Fox News Trump is acting as controlled opposition successfully allowing the opposition to out his own supporters.

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