* Deporting Hondurans severely undermines the existing Honduran network in the US for drug distribution.

* That is why Castro threatened Trump about closing the military bases.

* She wants the US to back off from deportations, else her drug lords can't sell the products and will have to team with other drug cartels, which cuts into the profits of the Honduran drug cartels.

* The more of these Central and South Americans, as well as Mexicans and Cubans and Caribbeans, that Trump deports, the more difficult it will be to distribute fentanyl in the US.

* China will have to rely on Chinese in the US for drug distribution.

Very nice article.

Most of Central America is under the control of drug gangs and their operations.

The drug gangs don't produce anything of value--all their revenue is from drugs, and they are highly weaponized.

Distribution is key, otherwise no money.

DEA agents will grab a shipment when they don't get enough in pay-offs, as a message, and those drug shipments make the headlines to delude the public that there is an active drug war.

However, the amounts of drugs that the DEA captures is miniscule to the actual volume of drugs shipping into the US on a monthly basis.

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Your writing reveals a profound ignorance of Honduras.

Hernández committed horrendous crimes against both the Honduran people and the people of the United States. I thought you supported stopping drug flows to the US?

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Jan 31Edited

Why would the Honduran people want to open up their country to house bitcoin entrepreneurs and U.S. millionaires? The money foreigners they make off the land in Honduras isn’t going back to the people. It’s going into US pockets and doesn’t help the native people who live there. Of course it’s become a haven for crypto grifters, they want to exploit a land for its beauty and exports without any accountability for the damage that kind of consumption causes

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There is a BOT scam handle Roger stone - that is scamming people on Substack - It is not the Roger Stone with a red checkmark in a circle - This is the real Roger Stone with a red checkmark in a red circle.

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Leave it to a corrupt, knuckle-dragging despot to destroy pan island of prosperity within the borders of his own nation. And it wouldn't surprise me if this Castro is related to the corpse of Cuba.

It would only be more revelatory if the name was Marx. Or Lenin. Or Stalin. Or Mao.

And while there are probably some honest people named Castro, I wouldn't make a person with that name my first choice for President.

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