Well isn't this just sweet. The court is intervening in a Trump pardon but have no problem with Biden giving pardons to 8000 people including murderers and a man that put kids in prison and destroyed their lives just to get a kick back from his buddy that owned the prison. The court has ZERO authority to overrule a Presidential pardon. Now a preemptive pardon is another story. There is no such thing under the Constitution as a preemptive pardon. In order to be reprieved or pardoned there must be a crime committed. Biden gave a pardon to people who obviously did commit crimes but were never charged with a crime. Sorry that doesn't float and Trump needs to file an investigation on every one of them and also some that committed crimes in his administration but were not included in the preemptive pardon including Joe, his brother, his son, Liz Cheney, Garland, Mayorkis, Fauci, Collins, Scarf lady and a slew of others.

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He is clearly being targeted for refusing to become a government "informant". The perpetrators of this fraud need to be held to account. Obviously, these federal "agents" continue to believe they are an elite privileged class exempt from the laws that apply to mere citizens.

This case will serve as a barometer of whether or not Trump is able to make these rogue agencies comply with the laws that apply to the rest of us.

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This is bullshit of epic proportions by these deep state bureaucrats. These prosecutors should have their immunity revoked so they can uphold the laws in a more fair manner. DOJ should hold these rouge judges accountable

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I don't know legal procedures and jurisdictional powers. I'm wondering if Florida Gov. DeSantis has the power to do anything with a federal charge even though it is filed in his state. Also, wondering if the DOJ cannot be told by the current AG in charge to drop this attempt to circumvent the President's pardons. Also, can the President tell the Federal Marshalls Service to go get Sargeant Brown out of jail.

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Set Jeremy Brown free. These feds are satanic. They thrive on hurting and humiliating AMERICANS. AND THEY ARE ROGUE FED AGENTS. EVEN THE JUDGES ARE SATANIC. THEY ARE ALL A DISGRACE.

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Yes, it's a cesspool of bribery, blackmail and blood oaths :(

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This is nothing more than an attempt to undermine the direct orders of the President of the United States. If this was being done while Biden was still in office he would have these rogue federal agents imprisoned. Trump's Chief executive of the FBI needs to bring charges against these democratic agents and put them where they belong, behind the cement walls of Leavenworth.

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This makes no sense. A presidential pardon is a presidential pardon. If they want to split hairs like this, Trump should issue him another pardon for the FL "conviction."

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Jeff Childers may be able to help. Florida Lawyer with terrific reach via his daily Substack.

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This story is a hard punch to the gut when I first heard it. Only insane thugs would chase after such a man, especially so many months after J6. Mr. Trump and. Gov. DeSantis need to make an appropriate response to this man who needs justice several years ago, let alone today.

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The relevant authorities also need to take those insane thugs off the streets and put them somewhere where they can do no more harm.

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Thank you for sharing this information about Jeremy. Someone needs to get this to President Trump

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Thanks for writing this.

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Maybe Trump will tell those federal agents FAFO.

Then this man will be released very quickly.

US government officials punish whistleblowers (this man released tapes of their coercion) ever since POTUS Nixon tried to crush Dr. Daniel Ellsberg concerning Ellsberg's constitutional right to redress grievances against the government.

SCOTUS ruled in favor of the press, but Nixon's cretins still went after Ellsberg, with the judge insisting--for the first time in the history of the US--that motive is irrelevant.

Motive is irrelevant????

A judge tells one of the top experts in the world what the preferences of the public are, and this judge tells Ellsberg about decision-theory.

* Ellsberg's Paradox is famous among PhDs in Economics. It concerns decision-making under uncertainty (risk is when you know the probabilities, uncertainty is when you don't).

Ben Franklin warned if you give up some of your essential liberties to buy more safety, you deserve neither liberty or safety.

Motive is always relevant and material.

There are no exceptions under the constitution.

However, motive is irrelevant under case law, and judicial review replaces constitutional due process with case law, so that the US legal system resembles the Starred Chamber of England up to the 1640s, when it was removed in England.

Some of the colonies in the US didn't remove their Starred Chambers in the 1640s, and it appears a couple of 'states' didn't remove their Starred Chambers after the US and State Constitutions were ratified.

Specifically, the three states that are commonwealths, but were colonies at the time of the Revolution (VA, MA, PA), insist that being a commonwealth implies they can proceed with laws and legal proceedings that existed when colonies, unless a statute is passed that forbids.

Therefore, in those three states the provisions of their constitutions are applicable in their legal systems only if the provisions existed during the colonial days. Only a judge, or appellate judges, can decide what is constitutional, so that the public has no power at all.

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My friend first told me about that Commonwealth states (those that were British colonies) were evil without an explanation. I still don't understand this "Starred Chamber of England". Does this have anything to do with common law practices, judicial precedents vs. legislated laws? Sounds a little like SC Justice Ketanji saying she decides cases based on what lawyers present in the case rather than precedents or laws- seems like that's why she has a hard time deciding who is a woman until she hears a case that sways her opinion.

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They just set a precedent. 😉👍

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Apply it to traitor joe...

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Doesn’t Governor DeSantis have the ability to pardon in Florida? Where is he? Is his silence the reason he didn’t have what it takes to become President ?

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A pardon is one thing; but surely saying "DeSantis must apply copious amounts of political pressure on the system to get Brown’s case dismissed" is another? How is it ok to advocate political interference in the judicial system? Shouldn't justice be both even handed and blind?

If US Marshalls and/or others have acted unlawfully, isn't the way to handle this to undo the unlawful acts and to investigate, prosecute and punish those who acted unlawfully?

Justice must be done, and it must be seen to be done.

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When the system is for sale, No holds barred.

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Democrats are forcing me to hatred.

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