Despite leaving office to take the helm as host of The Matt Gaetz Show on One America News Network, former Congressman Matt Gaetz is getting dragged through the ringer one final time over alleged sexual assault violations.
Gaetz has been dogged over this scandal for years now, with vague claims of Venmo payments and seedy associates used to create a cloud of suspicion over Gaetz. Republican leaders called for him to resign, but Gaetz stood strong.
“Washington scandal cycles are predictable, and sex is especially potent in politics,” Gaetz wrote in response to the initial allegations. “Let me first remind everyone that I am a representative in Congress, not a monk, and certainly not a criminal.”
“I have never, ever paid for sex. And second, I, as an adult man, have not slept with a 17-year-old,” Gaetz added. “It comes as no surprise that my political opponents want to sensationalize and criminalize my prior sex life just as I am getting engaged to the best person I’ve ever known. It is regrettable that the battle of ideas should thus become so personal. But then again, when your ideas suck, you need to stoop this low.”
Gaetz’s response was a masterclass in how to deal with fake scandals created by the swamp. He never wavered, and the public appreciated his strength voting him back into office in two straight election cycles. I have personal insight into the bogus nature of this scandal as I was roped into it through reporting from the fake news media.
Former Florida tax collector Joel Greenberg, the man connected to Gaetz who was at the heart of this scandal, was an acquaintance and had reached out to me in late 2020 begging for a pardon over the criminal probe launched against him. Greenberg contacted The Daily Beast and released snippets of text messages out of context that were irresponsibly published to build the case against Gaetz in the public eye, as part of the overriding Deep State scheme to pressure him Gaetz of Congress.
In the Beast article, Greenberg or the editors conveniently omitted the texts where I told him that I had no interest in receiving his money, advising him to get a better attorney if he wanted to stay out of prison for a long time. My response to Greenberg’s text where he claimed to be a liaison for Gaetz’s sex trafficking, noting that his story sounded like “bullshit,” was also omitted from the article.
I was never aware of any unethical acts committed by Gaetz. I also had nothing to do with helping to procure a pardon for Greenberg. The entire story was fabricated to drive the narrative that Gaetz was guilty of improper acts, without so much as a trial or even charges filed. Putting my name into the mix gave the media another “bad Trump guy” to attach to the non-scandal to fuel more intrigue and continue driving the news cycle.
Greenberg is a felon and a con artist who was willing to say anything in an attempt to lessen his sentence for the many crimes he committed. His unproven and absurd allegations were the linchpin of this entire non-scandal against Gaetz.
The House Ethics Committee nevertheless released their report despite its obviously dubious nature.
“The committee concluded there was substantial evidence that Representative Gaetz violated House Rules, state and federal laws, and other standards of conduct prohibiting prostitution, statutory rape, illicit drug use, acceptance of impermissible gifts, the provision of special favors and privileges, and obstruction of Congress,” the report states.
“These claims would be destroyed in court — which is why they were never made in any court against me,” Gaetz said in response.
The report was so partisan and absurd that Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland did not act despite being highly incentivized to levy charges against Gaetz. But that didn’t stop the Democrats from releasing the report with the help of a biased media to smear Gaetz after his appointment to the role of Attorney General by Trump, which two Congressional Republicans shamefully joined in on.
Gaetz stepped down from his appointment as Attorney General where he would have been a bulldog against deep state corruption in part because of this narrative that had been formed against him. These were allegations levied without any evidence from bad actors who are compromised meant to bias an individual in the minds of the public. The sad truth is that this obvious hoax may have worked at keeping Gaetz out as AG.
Like how millions of Americans believe that Trump is a Russian agent, there will be confused Americans who assume Gaetz is guilty forever of sexual assault because of the smear campaign initiated by the media and a cast of derelicts at their disposal. The only way to respond is by initiating attacks before the enemy can devise attacks of their own. Every Republican must operate strictly under my rule: “Attack, attack, attack, never defend.”
Because of the internet and social media, we can effectively craft narratives of our own. It must be a goal for MAGA to spend the next four years pounding the Democrats like they did to us, tenfold.
why is shifty shift never investigated when he paid out over $7.6 million in an undisclosed lawsuit to a teenage boy and his family in Morgantown? Obviously this was far worse than anything Gaetz could have been accused of
Great article. Needed article. Thank you for clarifying this matter!!