This is a manifestation of McCain/Feingold Campaign Reform Act 2002. It created Indian Reservation Gambling as a Government endorsed money laundering operation. But tribal members vote overwhelmingly MAGA.

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Who would like to bet against me that the explanation for the Indian PEOPLE supporting Pres. Trump

& the Triple Leaders supporting, with money, the Democrats? Likely the same reason the sea resort of imbalance exists in the workers Union Organizations! CORRUPTION the Democrat ultra-speciality!

Look to the schools for the Indians as the origin of the problem just like in the regular schools poor learning and indoctrination by the teachers as well! And massive subsidies available to the Tribes are the fuel of the corruption! THC

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Richard Nixon is the ONLY President in U.S. history to give land back to an Indian Tribe WHOLE CLOTH.

It was a sacred site of the Taos Blue Lake Pueblo.

Anyhoo, the Trump administration should sink HUGE funds to Indian Tribes for the purposes of language preservation. Hire Tribal members to teach Their Children Their language as a full-time job.

The WORST thing the U.S. ever did EVER was the Indian Boarding School system, where Indian Children where forbidden from speaking Their languages, and force-converted to Christianity, and forced to speak only English. American Indian Religions where ILLEGAL until 1978. All of this was cultural genocide.

Ironically or NOT, Indians where seperated into two groups; Traditionals on one side, and PROGRESSIVES on the other. They where labelled such in the late 1800s. The Children of Traditionals where targeted to be sent to the boarding schools, to destroy Their connection to Their way of life. Does any of this sound familiar? Do any of You have Children in U.S. public schools today? The whole "trannies are GOD - White People are evil" paradigm is being pushed by "progressives", and targets the Children of "traditionals". Simply transpose ( teehee ) the times and ethnicities involved.

In any event, I believe that Trump has an enormous opportunity to heal the soul of the Nation, and atone for past sins in a REAL WAY.

Also, and this is important, some American Indian Tribes owned Black American slaves, and MANY American Black Men where "Buffalo Soldiers" who killed American Indians with glee,

I say this because WE ALL could do with a bit of climbing down off of ANY and ALL HIGH HORSES.

The concept of "All Men are Created Equal" comes from the Iroquois Confederacy, and DID NOT exist in Europe or the U.K. in the 1700s. This reality was reflected by the U.S. Congress in 1988 in a formal Thank You to the Iroquois Confederacy for Their input to the U.S. Constitution.



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Excellent, informative commentary!

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There are few groups more solidly owned by the Democrats than Native American tribal LEADERS.

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