Ranked choice voting is a thinly veiled form of an incumbent protection act- the antithesis of sorely needed term limits for these career political moochers.

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These Two , we are calling for a primary to remove them !! We will not forget

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Time to disavow all rinos. Do not treat them as Republicans. Do not accept them. They are a part of the government we just destroyed by voting for our beloved PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP. THEY ARE LEFTOVERS FROM THE FAILED GOVERNMENT OF BIDEN AND OBUMA. WE HAVE THE BEST NOW AND WE WILL KEEP THE BEST. THEY ARE NOT WORTH THE DIRT ON THE BOTTOM OF OUR SHOES.

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Not that they care, but Collins and Murkowski need to be voted out in their next election. There’s no justification for voting no on Pete Hegseth while voting yes for far less qualified Biden nominees.

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they must be guilty of or hiding something is the most logical answer

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Another shining example of why the Democrats'/Establishment's down-ballot cheating this past November in the WI, MI, AZ & NV Senate races was so consequential, despite the GOP still winning a 53 seat majority. (Rogers in MI is also a RINO, but GOP should have a 57 seat majority.)

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We instituted RCV here in the City of Portland for the first time this last election. One look at what we’ve got as our City Council makes clear that anti-capitalist socialism, lo Fascism, is alive and well in U.S. cities and states and that RCV is the perfect instrument for making and keeping it as such.

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One Party Rule “Rank Choice Voting” paid for By George Soros (with your taxes: NGO’s). It’s how they do it in Cali and exported it across the US.

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Murkowski and Collins are communist tools.

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It’s a scam to confuse voters at polling places. How do the “machines” count the votes is beyond comprehension.

Hopefully the Paper Ballot initiate will eliminate this Con and RINO’s will be sent packing.

Thank you for article!

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They are aging out anyway and should pack it in! Just what republican values do they support?

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👍👍👍👍Make the military stronger again! MAmericaSA America🇺🇸

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Let’s face it. We are already failing to live up to the meritocratic standards set by Trump. I refuse to believe that, given the millions of smart, qualified, and available options for Sec Def we can’t find one better qualified to entrust our war fighters. There are lots of roles for people like Pete. But when the shit hits the fan we need to rock solid proven decision maker with the skills to move millions of soldiers and tons of equipment into place. Our sons and daughters who may be called into action deserved better.

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Gorilla elections and ranked choice voting are corrupt. They also make for the most spineless and weakest principled candidates easier to win.

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