He doesn’t get enough credit for it, but in his first term, President Donald Trump shut down some of the worst taxpayer-funded animal abuses imaginable.
Dems rank closely with the German national socialists of the '30s, early '40s in that they love their cruel experimentations, plus silencing opponents, I might add. Fauci funded the exceedingly cruel Libyan tests done on young beagles with mosquitoes. For the latter, see gag orders on Pres. Trump and numerous show trials in kangaroo courts.
I hope and pray the medical experiment abuse of Americas wild horses is exposed and stopped. The government hides their abuses across many agencies which is how they go undetected. USFS also has “jurisdiction” over wild horses not just the corrupt BLM - Bureau of Land Management and Dept of Interior. Medical “experiments” such as anal hysterectomies are performed on wild horses under their “care”.
The federal protections that your friend Richard Nixon had placed on wild horses and burros has been basically gutted illegally and started by the likes of Harry Reid and that KKK friend of HRC - his evil name escapes me right now.
This is a big story not only because of the torture of wild horses but once the no slaughter protection was violated by “sale authority” of wild horses over 5 years old the trailer loads going across the border are steady. Nothing crosses the border without guns, money, drugs or people moving too.
Who is searching trailers of wild horses crossing the border ? And who are the armed sentinels “guarding” the “slaughterhouses” in Mexico ?
Why are armed guards patrolling Juarez slaughterhouses ?
Why did BLM, USFS buy big semi truck horse trailers ?
Hopefully these questions are answered and exposed as part of the ongoing work of white coats and DJT and that it’s stopped, not just the animal torture but national security.
Cruel experiments - How about the cruelty imposed upon the global human population with toxic inoculations now destroying the health of billions and by 2029 predicted a loss of human life of at least 3 billion. POTUS Trump must act immediately on Day One to force withdrawal of mRNA visited upon humans in our food, cattle, and now even our pets! One lick from your new dog and you ate boosted into death. POTUS Trump had four or more highly regarded medical people to appoint who opposed and rang the bell on Big Pharma poisonings with these inoculations. And who did he pick? A person from inside Big Pharma! I have always, since my father played golf with Mr. Trump and Tony Burns back in the early-to-late 1980s and who argued "this great man must one day be our president." With this appointment I feel betrayed.
BSD " Let my people go ! Now that the prisoners are free - Harrison you can go back to putting down the Israelites for wanting to build the 3rd temple as God wants us too in Genesis lech lecha > read lech lech in Genesis and familiarize yourself to which house of God wants built in Jerusalem. NOW THAT THE JAN 6 PRISIONERS HAVE BEEN RELEASED WE CAN FORGET ABOUT THE RED HEIFFER - the sacred red cow to be sacrificed IN The 3RD TEMPLE ! OH I FORGOT YOU HAVE YOUR BELIEF OF YOUR MESSIAH CHARACTER BECAUSE YOUR LIMITED NTELLECTUAL UNDERSTANDING IS THAT JESUS IS THE MESSIAH AND WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE SHOULD BE. NOT WHAT IS WRITTEN IN GENESIS OR THE BOOK OF EXODUS TO WHICH WE READ YET AGAIN NOW ! LET MY PEOPLE GO - FREEDOM FOR ISRAEL AND ITS PEOPLE NOW - LET US OUT OF JAIL PHAROH HARRISON SMITH - LET US FREE OF YOUR HATE ! LET MY PEOPLE GO !
The most terrible savagery is abortion and any other means of limiting birth. This is the path to disaster and human degeneration. The so-called civilized society is the spawn of evil.
Thank you for stacking this article about President Trump's fight against animal cruelty. I also added to my Substack article in the link below that I would like to see Violet's Law also passed and signed into law. I want to help President Trump in his fight for animal rights. Let me know what I can do.
The vile language video I refer to about you vehemently wanting Trump impeached can be found on Rumble, 1.7.25 Patriot Streetfighter ROUNDTABLE w/ Mike Jaco & Nino Rodriguez, State of the Union. Starts at minute 57.07. Scroll down 7 comments to Sonia comment for reference, What is going on?
Mr. Stone, It would behoove you to explain the video where you are in the car talking on the phone to someone about you wanting Trump impeaxhed. I was in shock to hear you vehemently talk in the most vilest vocabulary in the English language against Trump. My heart sinks to consider you are deep state and have been playing the right all this time. People may poo poo those who can interpret Tarol, crystal balls, astrology, and those who receive prophesy from The Lord, but last month a psycic received the word that someone close to Trump would betray him. I couldn't imagine it would be you, but this video makes it appear it is so. Please, please explaing this traitorous foul video.
Donald just never gets the credits he deserves. Kudos to Roger Stone for digging out those hidden articles!
Dems rank closely with the German national socialists of the '30s, early '40s in that they love their cruel experimentations, plus silencing opponents, I might add. Fauci funded the exceedingly cruel Libyan tests done on young beagles with mosquitoes. For the latter, see gag orders on Pres. Trump and numerous show trials in kangaroo courts.
Good for Trump this needs to be well advertised
I know how the dogs feel. The Govt. did the same to us two legged creatures.
I hope and pray the medical experiment abuse of Americas wild horses is exposed and stopped. The government hides their abuses across many agencies which is how they go undetected. USFS also has “jurisdiction” over wild horses not just the corrupt BLM - Bureau of Land Management and Dept of Interior. Medical “experiments” such as anal hysterectomies are performed on wild horses under their “care”.
The federal protections that your friend Richard Nixon had placed on wild horses and burros has been basically gutted illegally and started by the likes of Harry Reid and that KKK friend of HRC - his evil name escapes me right now.
This is a big story not only because of the torture of wild horses but once the no slaughter protection was violated by “sale authority” of wild horses over 5 years old the trailer loads going across the border are steady. Nothing crosses the border without guns, money, drugs or people moving too.
Who is searching trailers of wild horses crossing the border ? And who are the armed sentinels “guarding” the “slaughterhouses” in Mexico ?
Why are armed guards patrolling Juarez slaughterhouses ?
Why did BLM, USFS buy big semi truck horse trailers ?
Hopefully these questions are answered and exposed as part of the ongoing work of white coats and DJT and that it’s stopped, not just the animal torture but national security.
Cruel experiments - How about the cruelty imposed upon the global human population with toxic inoculations now destroying the health of billions and by 2029 predicted a loss of human life of at least 3 billion. POTUS Trump must act immediately on Day One to force withdrawal of mRNA visited upon humans in our food, cattle, and now even our pets! One lick from your new dog and you ate boosted into death. POTUS Trump had four or more highly regarded medical people to appoint who opposed and rang the bell on Big Pharma poisonings with these inoculations. And who did he pick? A person from inside Big Pharma! I have always, since my father played golf with Mr. Trump and Tony Burns back in the early-to-late 1980s and who argued "this great man must one day be our president." With this appointment I feel betrayed.
Maybe I'm not looking hard enough, but I don't understand any value that comes from those Nasty Idiotic Humans (NIH).
BSD " Let my people go ! Now that the prisoners are free - Harrison you can go back to putting down the Israelites for wanting to build the 3rd temple as God wants us too in Genesis lech lecha > read lech lech in Genesis and familiarize yourself to which house of God wants built in Jerusalem. NOW THAT THE JAN 6 PRISIONERS HAVE BEEN RELEASED WE CAN FORGET ABOUT THE RED HEIFFER - the sacred red cow to be sacrificed IN The 3RD TEMPLE ! OH I FORGOT YOU HAVE YOUR BELIEF OF YOUR MESSIAH CHARACTER BECAUSE YOUR LIMITED NTELLECTUAL UNDERSTANDING IS THAT JESUS IS THE MESSIAH AND WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE SHOULD BE. NOT WHAT IS WRITTEN IN GENESIS OR THE BOOK OF EXODUS TO WHICH WE READ YET AGAIN NOW ! LET MY PEOPLE GO - FREEDOM FOR ISRAEL AND ITS PEOPLE NOW - LET US OUT OF JAIL PHAROH HARRISON SMITH - LET US FREE OF YOUR HATE ! LET MY PEOPLE GO !
Here’s an idea, why don’t we use death row inmates for testing instead of defenseless animals?
Make America Poland...as far as the border and the streets are concerned
The most terrible savagery is abortion and any other means of limiting birth. This is the path to disaster and human degeneration. The so-called civilized society is the spawn of evil.
Thank you for stacking this article about President Trump's fight against animal cruelty. I also added to my Substack article in the link below that I would like to see Violet's Law also passed and signed into law. I want to help President Trump in his fight for animal rights. Let me know what I can do.
The vile language video I refer to about you vehemently wanting Trump impeached can be found on Rumble, 1.7.25 Patriot Streetfighter ROUNDTABLE w/ Mike Jaco & Nino Rodriguez, State of the Union. Starts at minute 57.07. Scroll down 7 comments to Sonia comment for reference, What is going on?
Mr. Stone, It would behoove you to explain the video where you are in the car talking on the phone to someone about you wanting Trump impeaxhed. I was in shock to hear you vehemently talk in the most vilest vocabulary in the English language against Trump. My heart sinks to consider you are deep state and have been playing the right all this time. People may poo poo those who can interpret Tarol, crystal balls, astrology, and those who receive prophesy from The Lord, but last month a psycic received the word that someone close to Trump would betray him. I couldn't imagine it would be you, but this video makes it appear it is so. Please, please explaing this traitorous foul video.