Beautifully expressed and detailed article. I still have reservations about his recognition of the PRC which opened the door to China’s rise as a world economic power under the auspices of Clinton and Bush. However, as Roger notes Nixon could not be expected to have foreseen their trade policies nor the PRC’s shift towards a modified capitalism when the PRC created empowerment zones in the late 1980’s.
Thanks for this link. I found it an interesting read as I taught at Hunan University 1984-1985, and I had many Chinese students when I taught at Yale many years later.
I’ve had the occasion to visit the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda a couple of times. I never cease to be impressed by the breadth and depth of Nixon’s accomplishments. One of the most underrated presidents in history.
It's sometimes I need to read simple words to help me to motivate as I'm every bit plainly human. And when I see DJT push on against evil at every turn, I'm similarly inspired.
" is a daily reminder that in life when you get knocked down, when you suffer some defeats both of which have certainty happened to me, when you feel defeated or depressed you must get yourself off the canvas, dust yourself off and get back in the fight."
I am a victim of naught but my own decisions. And I feel comfort to read that I'm not alone among those who share these same values.
Stone, you have some cool posts, but Nixon was so bad.
I can't tell you everything since you don't have the clearances.
* Nixon would have Dr. Daniel Ellsberg rot without liberty. Why? For exposing Nixon.
* Nixon got CIA's Howard Hunt to use Chappaquiddick to discourage Ted Kennedy from running.
* Nixon obstructed the Pentagon Papers, fearing he would lose the '72 election because of the strong anti-war movement.
* Watergate is not what Woodward/Bernstein claimed (FBI's Mark Felt fed Woodward a story).
* Watergate results from rumour that Castro sent damning evidence of true story about Bay of Pigs to DNC headquarters in the Watergate.
* Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis are major CIA assets; they wouldn't be involved in something so trivial as what Mark Felt told Woodward.
* Bay of Pigs was Nixon's project when VP under Eisenhower.
* JFK knew Dulles was lying about size and strength of anti-Castro Cuban forces, so backed off air support, thinking Dulles wouldn't go forward. Dulles did, thinking JFK would be forced to send in full invasion force. JFK refused so that he could get rid of Dulles and disband the CIA.
* However, Khrushchev saw JFK as weak. Soviets wanted West Berlin.
* Khrushchev had larger force and many more missiles in Cuba that JFK was informed about.
* Cuban Missile Crisis was much more dangerous that textbooks allow, and JFK handled it so poorly that it was likely West Berlin would be taken by Soviets without US defending, in exchange for Soviets not sending nukes into US.
* Cuban Missile Crisis is the catalyst for CIA's James Angleton eventually sending 3 shooters to Dallas for Nov 22 1963.
* Castro was under the thumb of Khrushchev, so flipped and said he didn't want the Soviets in Cuba. This would allow JFK to attack Soviet forces and missiles sites in Cuba under international law.
* Khrushchev was hung out to dry, JFK promised not to invade Cuba, and West Berlin was saved. Turkey had to give up the US-supplied nukes, which alienated that country. Khrushchev lost.
* As an aside, there were 5 shooters in Dallas. One Mossad (Dal-Tex building), three CIA (overpass, fence at grassy knoll, 6th floor TSBD), one Chicago mafia (storm drain).
* Angleton didn't know about Mossad or Chicago mafia.
* Oswald was supposed to be a patsy, then escape with help of FBI and flee to Cuba, so he could get close to Castro and then help US with invasion plans.
* Henry Crown, who started the assassination scheme, had Jack Ruby take out Oswald. Crown was under investigation for multiple illegal acts to procure lucrative government contracts for General Dynamics Forth Worth TX. Investigation stopped after LBJ was sworn in. Crown got the Mossad involved. Crown didn't know about Angleton and J Edgar Hoover wanting to set-up Oswald as a patsy, instead thought Oswald would talk once in custody.
* Mossad hit JFK's back, 2nd shot missed and almost hit James Tague. This was the shot that resulted in the single bullet theory. CIA expected only 3 shots: throat (overpass), shoulder (grassy knoll), back (6th floor TSBD; Cuban exile hit Connally instead). Grassy knoll shot not obvious ib Zapruder film because of no one knew Sam Giancana sent a shooter, and that shooter took almost half of the right side of JFK's head off using a powerful hand gun from storm drain.
* Note that CIA intended to wound JFK. Mossad was supposed to assassinate, and let CIA take the blame. That is why Zapruder left the ideal location to film the motorcade (his office area) and went to a poor location, but one which covers up any shot from the Dal-Tex building.
Watergate was clearly a deep state operation masterminded by the CIA. Anyone who doubts this needs to look at the individuals involved- including the fact that "deep throat" was an intelligence operative operating within the FBI/"national security" establishment. This operated using their classic "playbook" which involves engineering an operation - then maintaining "plausible deniability".
I really like your post and analysis. I have a Nixon Elvis magnet in my office at work.
Can you please explain to me why Nixon served as another hammerer of the nail of the death of real money??? The final killing blow to sound money????
I just can't forgive him for this, all the world is now ENSLAVED by fake fiat currency. I know this can be seen as just one of many blows, but it was the final blow and occurred on his watch. To me, based on this point his presidency appears to me a dismal failure.
I like you and support you, I'd like an explanation if you have it, you know far more about this than I.
What a very interesting post. Thank you. I did not know about Nixon's family background and childhood.
No doubt he was a remarkable man, who - like JFK and Trump - was taken down by the Deep State. Don't some believe that JFK, Nixon, Carter, Reagan and Trump were/are all fronting for the Office of Naval Intelligence in their war with the CIA, which started in 1947?
In my opinion, Nixon did the American people a disservice by not contesting the theft of the 1960 elections. The integrity of the election process is the keystone of democracy. Justice must be done; and it must be seen to be done. Not enforcing our laws sends completely the wrong signal. Things went steadily downhill after the coup d'etat in which JFK was murdered and in which the Deep State became firmly entrenched.
For me Nixon did 1 thing of note- he stopped the draft in 1972 the year my draft lottery number was 8. If not I’d have joined the US Navy like my father did. He was awarded 7 battle stars as Chief Gunners Mate on a tanker in the South Pacific, including the Battle of the Coral Sea. Nixon would have appreciated that. I instead I was proud to join anti-war demonstrations in the early 70s just as I did in 2003 when the Idiot Bush, another despicable Neo-Con, also unnecessarily sent boys to be slaughtered for illegitimate reasons, And that and only that stands as Nixon’s legacy- a lying war criminal who moves up a notch on the best Presidents list because W was such a wanker
Nixon was set up during Watergate just like Democrats tried with Trump.
Maybe that’s why he left on the helicopter, saying, “I’m not a crook.”, bc he was indeed set up?
President Nixon is perhaps one of the most under-rated president we've ever had.
Beautifully expressed and detailed article. I still have reservations about his recognition of the PRC which opened the door to China’s rise as a world economic power under the auspices of Clinton and Bush. However, as Roger notes Nixon could not be expected to have foreseen their trade policies nor the PRC’s shift towards a modified capitalism when the PRC created empowerment zones in the late 1980’s.
I don't know what Nixon knew, of course; but - as always - there was a lot more going on with Mao/PRC than met the eye:
"Mao Was A Yale Man - A Yali With Skull and Bones"
Thanks for this link. I found it an interesting read as I taught at Hunan University 1984-1985, and I had many Chinese students when I taught at Yale many years later.
I’ve had the occasion to visit the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda a couple of times. I never cease to be impressed by the breadth and depth of Nixon’s accomplishments. One of the most underrated presidents in history.
It's sometimes I need to read simple words to help me to motivate as I'm every bit plainly human. And when I see DJT push on against evil at every turn, I'm similarly inspired.
" is a daily reminder that in life when you get knocked down, when you suffer some defeats both of which have certainty happened to me, when you feel defeated or depressed you must get yourself off the canvas, dust yourself off and get back in the fight."
I am a victim of naught but my own decisions. And I feel comfort to read that I'm not alone among those who share these same values.
Stone, you have some cool posts, but Nixon was so bad.
I can't tell you everything since you don't have the clearances.
* Nixon would have Dr. Daniel Ellsberg rot without liberty. Why? For exposing Nixon.
* Nixon got CIA's Howard Hunt to use Chappaquiddick to discourage Ted Kennedy from running.
* Nixon obstructed the Pentagon Papers, fearing he would lose the '72 election because of the strong anti-war movement.
* Watergate is not what Woodward/Bernstein claimed (FBI's Mark Felt fed Woodward a story).
* Watergate results from rumour that Castro sent damning evidence of true story about Bay of Pigs to DNC headquarters in the Watergate.
* Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis are major CIA assets; they wouldn't be involved in something so trivial as what Mark Felt told Woodward.
* Bay of Pigs was Nixon's project when VP under Eisenhower.
* JFK knew Dulles was lying about size and strength of anti-Castro Cuban forces, so backed off air support, thinking Dulles wouldn't go forward. Dulles did, thinking JFK would be forced to send in full invasion force. JFK refused so that he could get rid of Dulles and disband the CIA.
* However, Khrushchev saw JFK as weak. Soviets wanted West Berlin.
* Khrushchev had larger force and many more missiles in Cuba that JFK was informed about.
* Cuban Missile Crisis was much more dangerous that textbooks allow, and JFK handled it so poorly that it was likely West Berlin would be taken by Soviets without US defending, in exchange for Soviets not sending nukes into US.
* Cuban Missile Crisis is the catalyst for CIA's James Angleton eventually sending 3 shooters to Dallas for Nov 22 1963.
* Castro was under the thumb of Khrushchev, so flipped and said he didn't want the Soviets in Cuba. This would allow JFK to attack Soviet forces and missiles sites in Cuba under international law.
* Khrushchev was hung out to dry, JFK promised not to invade Cuba, and West Berlin was saved. Turkey had to give up the US-supplied nukes, which alienated that country. Khrushchev lost.
* As an aside, there were 5 shooters in Dallas. One Mossad (Dal-Tex building), three CIA (overpass, fence at grassy knoll, 6th floor TSBD), one Chicago mafia (storm drain).
* Angleton didn't know about Mossad or Chicago mafia.
* Oswald was supposed to be a patsy, then escape with help of FBI and flee to Cuba, so he could get close to Castro and then help US with invasion plans.
* Henry Crown, who started the assassination scheme, had Jack Ruby take out Oswald. Crown was under investigation for multiple illegal acts to procure lucrative government contracts for General Dynamics Forth Worth TX. Investigation stopped after LBJ was sworn in. Crown got the Mossad involved. Crown didn't know about Angleton and J Edgar Hoover wanting to set-up Oswald as a patsy, instead thought Oswald would talk once in custody.
* Mossad hit JFK's back, 2nd shot missed and almost hit James Tague. This was the shot that resulted in the single bullet theory. CIA expected only 3 shots: throat (overpass), shoulder (grassy knoll), back (6th floor TSBD; Cuban exile hit Connally instead). Grassy knoll shot not obvious ib Zapruder film because of no one knew Sam Giancana sent a shooter, and that shooter took almost half of the right side of JFK's head off using a powerful hand gun from storm drain.
* Note that CIA intended to wound JFK. Mossad was supposed to assassinate, and let CIA take the blame. That is why Zapruder left the ideal location to film the motorcade (his office area) and went to a poor location, but one which covers up any shot from the Dal-Tex building.
Oh stop with the looney claims. Just stop.
Mr. Stone, thank you for fighting for us!! May God vindicate and bless you!
I wrote a paper in 7th grade on him and never knew all these amazing things abt him until now!! Thank you!
Thanks Nixon for screwing up the schools and getting affirm action started. Thanks a lot.
Watergate was clearly a deep state operation masterminded by the CIA. Anyone who doubts this needs to look at the individuals involved- including the fact that "deep throat" was an intelligence operative operating within the FBI/"national security" establishment. This operated using their classic "playbook" which involves engineering an operation - then maintaining "plausible deniability".
I really like your post and analysis. I have a Nixon Elvis magnet in my office at work.
Can you please explain to me why Nixon served as another hammerer of the nail of the death of real money??? The final killing blow to sound money????
I just can't forgive him for this, all the world is now ENSLAVED by fake fiat currency. I know this can be seen as just one of many blows, but it was the final blow and occurred on his watch. To me, based on this point his presidency appears to me a dismal failure.
I like you and support you, I'd like an explanation if you have it, you know far more about this than I.
Must read Geoff Shepard book, Nixon Conspiracy, he was there. Jaw dropping. Nixon was set up by dark/deep state..I feel so sorry for him.
What a very interesting post. Thank you. I did not know about Nixon's family background and childhood.
No doubt he was a remarkable man, who - like JFK and Trump - was taken down by the Deep State. Don't some believe that JFK, Nixon, Carter, Reagan and Trump were/are all fronting for the Office of Naval Intelligence in their war with the CIA, which started in 1947?
In my opinion, Nixon did the American people a disservice by not contesting the theft of the 1960 elections. The integrity of the election process is the keystone of democracy. Justice must be done; and it must be seen to be done. Not enforcing our laws sends completely the wrong signal. Things went steadily downhill after the coup d'etat in which JFK was murdered and in which the Deep State became firmly entrenched.
I know, hindsight is 20-20.
Trump's bad Hillary's Cheerleaders 😫
Great work he was framed Mueller Clinton was Nixon's internet fired by Nixon Bob Woodward & Bernstein still running the same reruns
For me Nixon did 1 thing of note- he stopped the draft in 1972 the year my draft lottery number was 8. If not I’d have joined the US Navy like my father did. He was awarded 7 battle stars as Chief Gunners Mate on a tanker in the South Pacific, including the Battle of the Coral Sea. Nixon would have appreciated that. I instead I was proud to join anti-war demonstrations in the early 70s just as I did in 2003 when the Idiot Bush, another despicable Neo-Con, also unnecessarily sent boys to be slaughtered for illegitimate reasons, And that and only that stands as Nixon’s legacy- a lying war criminal who moves up a notch on the best Presidents list because W was such a wanker