Very interesting. I’m saving this article to review with who the conclave pick as successor. I pray the Catholic Church gets a better pope than present. I’m not Catholic, but have friends who are and deserve better. Pope Francis has caused great harm to the church.

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Jorge Mario Bergoglio is about to meet the Satan he worships. And endure eternity in the pits of hell. The same awaits the demonic Cardinals who made him Pope, who will choose the next Pope. Lucifer has a lot of future eternal company in today's Vatican. God is forgiving. But knows the difference between those who sincerely beg his forgiveness and those who's hearts and souls seek eternal kinship with Satan. Like Bergoglio's.

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And to think I refrained from being too over the top. 😅😂🤣😂😅

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I just pray the Catholics get their house in order. So many God-fearing Catholics I know and know of. It breaks my heart you don't have the leader you deserve. I've prayed many times over your church and this pope. God bless you with a real one. All I know is God won't be mocked. Ask the Democrats.

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Churches around the world are empty on Sundays since Bergoglio forced his way into the Papacy. Its time for the Church to recognize that the majority of their parishioners want a theocracy from the Church that follows Traditional Church teaching. This will become more apparent as the young Conservative movement grows and becomes more involved with their own spirituality. Only a Conservative Traditionalist Church true to its own traditions and history will attract these younger people. Since the fastest growing demographic of new Catholics is in Africa, I would not be surprised to see an African elected as the next Pope.

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Tom Homan should be the next Pope.

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There will not be a new Pope. The scandals about to erupt will be catastrophic.

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Good post, very interesting.

`Pope Francis was under pressure from within to resign before his illness because he used the pulpit to preach politics, wading into areas for which he was both unqualified and wrong.

The straw that broke the camel's back for many of the power elite in the church was his blowing off the reopening of Notre Dame in Paris, considered the 2nd most prominent Catholic church in the world, but showing up later at a relatively unimportant Malta conference.

Francis burned a lot of bridges with his political agendas, and so it is not clear that any cardinal who reminds the other cardinals of Francis or his policies will ever be elected.

The biggest problem in the church is that Jesus didn't preach abstinence...that came from the middle ages because priests with children could lose church lands if the eldest son petitioned the king. The rule was to have a woman (common law wife, I guess she could be called as much) but the kids were "bastards" so that they didn't have legal claim.

This was strengthened to abstinence when sovereigns would fight with the church over power and lands, and abstinence is contrary to reality, because sex is available and desirable to every adult.

Nowadays, the horrific profile of the church as a haven for pedo clergy has gutted its power in advanced, wealthy countries.

Recently, after medical science confirmed that nailing one hands to a cross won't work because the body weight will rip through the nails and the person will flop to the ground, with their feet still nailed to the cross, or also rip out. Also, Mary Magdalene has a shrine in France where she lived for many years, so scholars researched why she would risk such a perilous journey 2000 years ago, when she wasn't under any threat and she would have no support upon arriving. Women will follow the man they are in love with to the ends of the earth, and southern France has long held that Jesus didn't die on the cross, that his feet were nailed (horrid enough) and his wrists were tied, as scholars of Roman history have concluded was typical. He was taken off--the nail with his blood is "sang real" from the myth of Percival--and Mary and his mother came to southern France, possibly landing near Arles. Speculation is that Mother Mary did visit in the area that is now Lourdes, where the Grotte de Bernadette has been the site of numerous confirmed miracles. When the Jewish religious leaders, the ones that turned on him, asked to see the body they were shown a tomb. Forced to open the tomb, Jesus' followers claimed he had arisen because Jesus was never there. That is why the shroud of Jesus was a fake.

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I personally would like to see Carlo Maria Viganò become pope.. a true servant of God.

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Even though I am a Catholic, I don’t give a damn who the pope is. He has no influence over my life. Separation of church and state.

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I like the sound of pope stone.

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Despite the movie CONCLAVE, doesn't the Pope have to sit on a chair and is checked from underneath to see if he is a man with a penis and testicles?

“ Sedes Stercorai?”

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He probably already dead. Why not show us in real time the pope? No, we haven’t seen the pope. So he’s probably already passed.

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