The military industrial complex needs a bogeyman in order to keep war going; that’s how they make their money. And Russia is that bogeyman. This is why they fear President Trump. Russia is not the bogeyman; the bogeymen are neocons, globalists, and the EU.

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Very well stated. You are a beacon of truth.

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Sue the purveyors of slander. Trump has sued them. Trump's been sued by crazy people claiming he slandered them. Hundreds of millions of dollars of settlements and/or judgements. Do the same to any and all who use the Russian collusion lies as slander. And, this is important, judge shop for judges in jurisdictions that tilt the playing field in your direction. This is key. You can do it. I believe in you.

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Wow, Roger. You certainly went through hell. The same, of course, w Paul Mana Manafort. Gen Flynn, Mayor Giuliani, and many others too numerous to type. The FBI is nothing more than a gangster organization. The Deep State is a shadow government. (FBI,CIA, DOJ). America was hoping the Dream Team goes after those in Russia Gate. It was a coup to eradicate a duly elected Prez. Mueller, Comey, Weissermann, Rosenstein, John Podesta, Clapper, Brennan, Hillary, Simmons, etc., should all be sitting in bird cages. Then again, seems treason is okay in today's era.

We were disappointed that Kash simply transferred those FBI agents that didn't cooperate to the CIA. Ah, the CIA. Truman indicated it should be broken up. We all know what happened when JFK and RFK sought to break them up. They are an entity unto themself. The way they raided innocent citizenry was a crime. The could have taught the KGB a few lessons.

Lastly, Roger locking them up is not an act of revenge for their unAmerican activities. It's to teach others.

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When will the House GOP impeach Berman Jackson? When will Bondi prosecute all those responsible for this illegality and injustice, even those who were issued unconstitutional "preemptive pardons" by the dementia patient? LET'S GO! Speed up the process!

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