Will they release the files on the Bush Crime Family involvement in JFK's assassination?
George HW Bush led the CIA's Ft Worth field office at the time. Son of Prescott Bush, guilty of Trading With the Enemy as "Hitler's Banker" *during* WWII. His (Rockefeller partner) bank confiscated. Family friends and future CIA Director Allen Dulles got him off the hook following the war, had news accounts scrubbed and even helped Prescott become elected as a US Senator only six years later...Hitler's Banker. Made sure the Nazi war machine had enough bullets and bombs to kill Americans. And poison gas to kill the "useless eaters" and "undesirables." Bush Crime Family legacy.
The Bush Crime Family has no qualms with selling out the US to the highest bidders. Assassination of a US president not a bridge too far for them. Probably why they've not released the records all these years later. The family is still powerful, release would prove too embarrassing, for the Bush's, CIA and all who have benefited from their associations since (Cheney's, et al).
Warren Commission's chief investigator: Gerald Ford. Who appointed the former Ft Worth CIA station top spook on site in Dallas when the shots were fired, George HW Bush, as his CIA Director during his short unelected presidency.
If the files are released Bush's, Dulles' fingerprints will likely be redacted. If Pres. Trump really wanted to put a stake into the heart of the Deep State he'd read that part about the Bush's in a televised statement from the Oval Office, once shared publicly by a president it can no longer be classified. Watch the cockroaches scatter under that spotlight.
Bush was photographed outside Parkland Hospital when Kennedy was taken there. Have to disagree with Trump reading anything. It should come from someone else, so Trump isn’t seen as getting revenge. This is not about Trump. It’s about the Deep State players being exposed.
Excellent points, and don’t forget the ties that bind. Do you think icky Vickie acted on her own to commandeer Ukraine in 2014? Fucking bushes have been in it for almost a damn century. Fuck!
"White Slavery" was the term for human trafficking, prostitution. The objective of the play was to stop wealthy men of privileged genes from sleeping around with lower class women, breeding with them. No mixing of the high class gene pools with lower classes. Eugenics. Population control. "Evolutionary Design." But the real story in this is who the VIP's are. Including Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, FDR...and Prescott Bush - an unnamed member of the six invitees from the Yale University Civics Club where he was attending and had been his high school's Civics Club president the year before.
Prescott Bush, father of George HW Bush, was a freshman at Yale in 1913. And had been president of his high school civics club in 1912. His family was already tight with the Rockefeller's, his father, Samuel Bush, worked for Frank Rockefeller, John D Rockefeller's brother. Prescott Bush was a eugenicist. And was one of the six unnamed Yale students in attendance:
Eugenics is a bond that connects social engineers. Fascist and Communist. Both central planning government philosophies that recognize and formalize an upper class of managers, treat individualism in the lower classes as dangerous. This is why the Bush Crime Family supported eugenics murderer Hitler and mass-murdering Mao/CCP, and mass murdering, individual freedom and liberty crushing Americans (Patriot Act, bioweapons infrastructure).
Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis, and the Swiss Banks
Sarasota Reading Festival, November 11, 2000 (while the US and world was fixated on "hanging chads" in Florida to (s)elect another Bush Crime Family president)
In the C-SPAN video the Carter-appointed federal prosecutor also details the CIA under Dulles, a co-conspirator with Bush, Rockefeller, Brown, Walker, Harriman, etc
China CCP's Best Friend *EVER* in the White House:
I've not read it. I hope he fingers them for the assassination in it. Among their many murderous and traitorous crimes. And yes, an odd coincidence that the Hinkley's were Bush family friends. And I'm fresh out of coincidences with regard to the Bush's.
Joe Lange has written a lot about the Bush family too. Years ago I thought W was the best and him living in my hometown (Dallas) was icing on the cake. But what a disappointment. It sickens me how corrupt this family is. I cannot even watch Jenna on NBC acting like she has not a care in the world when her father, grandfather, great grandfather and uncles have all been so corrupt and evil.
Jeanne De Mohrenschildt was Jeanne LeGon when she worked with Abraham Zapruder a decade prior.
** Michael Paine, the "estranged husband" of Ruth Paine, might be the federal agent that Oswald met with at the Texas Theater before that agent was led out of the back by federal agents, while Oswald was taken out via the front by Dallas police. The usher at the Texas Theater on Nov 22 1963 when Oswald was taken described the federal agent as dressed like Oswald, a similar haircut and similar physical appearance, except that as they stood next to each other the federal agent was about 2" taller.
FRONTLINE Program 1205 (air date Nov 20 2003)
ROBERT OSWALD : I was allowed to visit with him approximately eight to ten minutes. And I asked him, I said, "Lee, what the Sam Hill's going on?" He said, "I don't know what they're talking about." I said, "Lee, they have got you charged with the death of the President, shooting a police officer. They've got your rifle. They've got your pistol. And you don't know what the Sam Hill's going on?" And I became kind of intense, at that point, and looking into his eyes. And he never did answer, but he finally said, "Brother, you won't find anything there." And before we could get back to discussing anything of substance and everything, he gets tapped on his shoulder and told, "That's the end of it."
REPORTER: Did you shoot the President?
LEE HARVEY OSWALD : No. They've taken me in because of the fact that I lived in the Soviet Union. I'm just a patsy.
Oswald was a patsy, which he knew about.
Henry Crown didn't know the plan of CIA's Angleton and FBI's Hoover, so fellow Chicago Jewish Mafia Jack Ruby was tasked with the assassination of Oswald before he talked.
Oswald was supposed to "escape" and flee to Cuba, get close to Castro and assess what was required for the US to take over Cuba. Bay of Pigs fiasco proved that assassinating Castro was not enough, maybe 80% of Cubans were against Batista.
Cuban Missile Crisis was so mishandled by JFK that senior officials feared the worse.
If Castro didn't change and tell US that he no longer wanted Soviets in Cuba, so that International Law then allowed the US to invade and get rid of Soviet Missiles, sites, weapons and troops, Khrushchev would have forced JFK to concede West Berlin in exchange for not bombing US. Probably would have forced US to remove missiles from Italy and Turkey. As it was, Soviets only got missiles removed from Turkey and had to respect the blockade. America held its breath for several days.
LBJ would have nuked the Soviets (US had a huge advantage in nuclear missiles) and accepted 10-30 million US deaths as the trade-off to permanently end the Soviet threat. Also, LBJ would have invaded Cuba, but JFK made a deal not to invade Cuba, which is what Castro wanted, so LBJ had to wait to see if Castro gave him cause, but Castro was afraid of LBJ's war hawk mentality. So were Khrushchev and Soviets, who then decided to keep the war "cold."
The way all the conspiracy theorists describe what went down, one would think the intelligence communities were bungling fools. Angleton's plan was diabolically brilliant, but Crown (and Giancana) ruined it. CIA's 3 shooters were only supposed to wound JFK, so that Castro would be convinced of Oswald's (faked) pro-Communist profile.
I’ve often said that the CIA had their claws in it from the beginning. Also, if I’m correct. The older Bush was head of the CIA at the time. We all know how Johnson felt about President Kennedy. Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy.
Bush was photographed outside Parkland Hospital when Kennedy was taken there. Have to disagree with Trump reading anything. It should come from someone else, so Trump isn’t seen as getting revenge. This is not about Trump. The Left have a hard time keeping the main thing the main thing. They always want to make it about Trump. It’s about the Deep State players being exposed.
Great job Roger. To help connect the dots even farther regarding Oswald people may want to read "Dr Mary's Monkey" by Edward Haslam. It details Oswald's early involvement in what appears to be a primitive "gain of function" of research in New Orleans.
Will they release the files on the Bush Crime Family involvement in JFK's assassination?
George HW Bush led the CIA's Ft Worth field office at the time. Son of Prescott Bush, guilty of Trading With the Enemy as "Hitler's Banker" *during* WWII. His (Rockefeller partner) bank confiscated. Family friends and future CIA Director Allen Dulles got him off the hook following the war, had news accounts scrubbed and even helped Prescott become elected as a US Senator only six years later...Hitler's Banker. Made sure the Nazi war machine had enough bullets and bombs to kill Americans. And poison gas to kill the "useless eaters" and "undesirables." Bush Crime Family legacy.
The Bush Crime Family has no qualms with selling out the US to the highest bidders. Assassination of a US president not a bridge too far for them. Probably why they've not released the records all these years later. The family is still powerful, release would prove too embarrassing, for the Bush's, CIA and all who have benefited from their associations since (Cheney's, et al).
Warren Commission's chief investigator: Gerald Ford. Who appointed the former Ft Worth CIA station top spook on site in Dallas when the shots were fired, George HW Bush, as his CIA Director during his short unelected presidency.
If the files are released Bush's, Dulles' fingerprints will likely be redacted. If Pres. Trump really wanted to put a stake into the heart of the Deep State he'd read that part about the Bush's in a televised statement from the Oval Office, once shared publicly by a president it can no longer be classified. Watch the cockroaches scatter under that spotlight.
Bush was photographed outside Parkland Hospital when Kennedy was taken there. Have to disagree with Trump reading anything. It should come from someone else, so Trump isn’t seen as getting revenge. This is not about Trump. It’s about the Deep State players being exposed.
So Pres. Trump stands behind his designated reader.
Excellent points, and don’t forget the ties that bind. Do you think icky Vickie acted on her own to commandeer Ukraine in 2014? Fucking bushes have been in it for almost a damn century. Fuck!
Over a century:
Choosing Audience for Brieux Play
JD Rockefeller, Jr Suggests Those Who Have Aided White Slave Investigation
Social Workers Approve Think the Drama Will Impress the Moral of Eugenics
- Proceeds for Education
New York Times, Sunday, February 23,1913, Page 13
"White Slavery" was the term for human trafficking, prostitution. The objective of the play was to stop wealthy men of privileged genes from sleeping around with lower class women, breeding with them. No mixing of the high class gene pools with lower classes. Eugenics. Population control. "Evolutionary Design." But the real story in this is who the VIP's are. Including Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, FDR...and Prescott Bush - an unnamed member of the six invitees from the Yale University Civics Club where he was attending and had been his high school's Civics Club president the year before.
Prescott Bush, father of George HW Bush, was a freshman at Yale in 1913. And had been president of his high school civics club in 1912. His family was already tight with the Rockefeller's, his father, Samuel Bush, worked for Frank Rockefeller, John D Rockefeller's brother. Prescott Bush was a eugenicist. And was one of the six unnamed Yale students in attendance:
Eugenics is a bond that connects social engineers. Fascist and Communist. Both central planning government philosophies that recognize and formalize an upper class of managers, treat individualism in the lower classes as dangerous. This is why the Bush Crime Family supported eugenics murderer Hitler and mass-murdering Mao/CCP, and mass murdering, individual freedom and liberty crushing Americans (Patriot Act, bioweapons infrastructure).
And there you go.
Hitler's Banker Prescott Bush:
Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis, and the Swiss Banks
Sarasota Reading Festival, November 11, 2000 (while the US and world was fixated on "hanging chads" in Florida to (s)elect another Bush Crime Family president)
(Specifically discussed from 20:44 - 34:44)
In the C-SPAN video the Carter-appointed federal prosecutor also details the CIA under Dulles, a co-conspirator with Bush, Rockefeller, Brown, Walker, Harriman, etc
China CCP's Best Friend *EVER* in the White House:
Bush China Foundation:
Where there's smoke there's fire.
More at:
Will you touch this one, Roger Stone? Or is it still too hot to touch? Even for Roger Stone?
Nope he’s pretty much laid it. right out for you
Mr. Stone has written an entire book about the Bush crime family. Don't forget that George H.W. Bush quite likely tried to have Reagan killed.
I've not read it. I hope he fingers them for the assassination in it. Among their many murderous and traitorous crimes. And yes, an odd coincidence that the Hinkley's were Bush family friends. And I'm fresh out of coincidences with regard to the Bush's.
Joe Lange has written a lot about the Bush family too. Years ago I thought W was the best and him living in my hometown (Dallas) was icing on the cake. But what a disappointment. It sickens me how corrupt this family is. I cannot even watch Jenna on NBC acting like she has not a care in the world when her father, grandfather, great grandfather and uncles have all been so corrupt and evil.
There are so many skeletons in the closet regarding the JFK assassination and the closet is located at the CIA
Great Post!
Jeanne De Mohrenschildt was Jeanne LeGon when she worked with Abraham Zapruder a decade prior.
** Michael Paine, the "estranged husband" of Ruth Paine, might be the federal agent that Oswald met with at the Texas Theater before that agent was led out of the back by federal agents, while Oswald was taken out via the front by Dallas police. The usher at the Texas Theater on Nov 22 1963 when Oswald was taken described the federal agent as dressed like Oswald, a similar haircut and similar physical appearance, except that as they stood next to each other the federal agent was about 2" taller.
FRONTLINE Program 1205 (air date Nov 20 2003)
ROBERT OSWALD : I was allowed to visit with him approximately eight to ten minutes. And I asked him, I said, "Lee, what the Sam Hill's going on?" He said, "I don't know what they're talking about." I said, "Lee, they have got you charged with the death of the President, shooting a police officer. They've got your rifle. They've got your pistol. And you don't know what the Sam Hill's going on?" And I became kind of intense, at that point, and looking into his eyes. And he never did answer, but he finally said, "Brother, you won't find anything there." And before we could get back to discussing anything of substance and everything, he gets tapped on his shoulder and told, "That's the end of it."
REPORTER: Did you shoot the President?
LEE HARVEY OSWALD : No. They've taken me in because of the fact that I lived in the Soviet Union. I'm just a patsy.
Oswald was a patsy, which he knew about.
Henry Crown didn't know the plan of CIA's Angleton and FBI's Hoover, so fellow Chicago Jewish Mafia Jack Ruby was tasked with the assassination of Oswald before he talked.
Oswald was supposed to "escape" and flee to Cuba, get close to Castro and assess what was required for the US to take over Cuba. Bay of Pigs fiasco proved that assassinating Castro was not enough, maybe 80% of Cubans were against Batista.
Cuban Missile Crisis was so mishandled by JFK that senior officials feared the worse.
If Castro didn't change and tell US that he no longer wanted Soviets in Cuba, so that International Law then allowed the US to invade and get rid of Soviet Missiles, sites, weapons and troops, Khrushchev would have forced JFK to concede West Berlin in exchange for not bombing US. Probably would have forced US to remove missiles from Italy and Turkey. As it was, Soviets only got missiles removed from Turkey and had to respect the blockade. America held its breath for several days.
LBJ would have nuked the Soviets (US had a huge advantage in nuclear missiles) and accepted 10-30 million US deaths as the trade-off to permanently end the Soviet threat. Also, LBJ would have invaded Cuba, but JFK made a deal not to invade Cuba, which is what Castro wanted, so LBJ had to wait to see if Castro gave him cause, but Castro was afraid of LBJ's war hawk mentality. So were Khrushchev and Soviets, who then decided to keep the war "cold."
The way all the conspiracy theorists describe what went down, one would think the intelligence communities were bungling fools. Angleton's plan was diabolically brilliant, but Crown (and Giancana) ruined it. CIA's 3 shooters were only supposed to wound JFK, so that Castro would be convinced of Oswald's (faked) pro-Communist profile.
Fascinating. The Life picture is spooky. How is anyone at the table calm?
Only when the files are unredacted and released, as well as no longer playing JUO.
Jack Us Off.... Citizens version
I’ve often said that the CIA had their claws in it from the beginning. Also, if I’m correct. The older Bush was head of the CIA at the time. We all know how Johnson felt about President Kennedy. Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy.
Isreial shouldn't have nucular weapons, change my mind.
Bush was photographed outside Parkland Hospital when Kennedy was taken there. Have to disagree with Trump reading anything. It should come from someone else, so Trump isn’t seen as getting revenge. This is not about Trump. The Left have a hard time keeping the main thing the main thing. They always want to make it about Trump. It’s about the Deep State players being exposed.
Seems she might still have a lot to say. Hmm.
Daniel Liszt, "The Dark Journalist," has been producing interesting work on the JFK assassination for years:
Great job Roger. To help connect the dots even farther regarding Oswald people may want to read "Dr Mary's Monkey" by Edward Haslam. It details Oswald's early involvement in what appears to be a primitive "gain of function" of research in New Orleans.