Yes. Thank you for exposing the utter corruption of the RAT PARTY and your demented family. . Don’t let the door hit your sorry behind on the way out.

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That was a good pardon by Biden and I'm so grateful that President Trump has freed the J6 prisoners. I am praying now that President Trump will pardon Julian Assange.

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BSD " Let my people go ! Now that the prisoners are free - Harrison you can go back to putting down the Israelites for wanting to build the 3rd temple as God wants us too in Genesis lech lecha > read lech lech in Genesis and familiarize yourself to which house of God wants built in Jerusalem. NOW THAT THE JAN 6 PRISIONERS HAVE BEEN RELEASED WE CAN FORGET ABOUT THE RED HEIFFER - the sacred red cow to be sacrificed IN The 3RD TEMPLE ! OH I FORGOT YOU HAVE YOUR BELIEF OF YOUR MESSIAH CHARACTER BECAUSE YOUR LIMITED NTELLECTUAL UNDERSTANDING IS THAT JESUS IS THE MESSIAH AND WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE SHOULD BE. NOT WHAT IS WRITTEN IN GENESIS OR THE BOOK OF EXODUS TO WHICH WE READ YET AGAIN NOW ! LET MY PEOPLE GO - FREEDOM FOR ISRAEL AND ITS PEOPLE NOW - LET US OUT OF JAIL PHAROH HARRISON SMITH - LET US FREE OF YOUR HATE ! LET MY PEOPLE GO !

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I hope you get restored to your good name as do people big and small all over the country who dealt with weaponization and down right atrocious things that happened to them due to bad actors in the system from both parties.

I'm surprised Biden did that.

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One thanks would have been enough. We still should go after everyone in the Biden Crime Family.

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Thank you for sharing this one bright spot in the four long years of the Biden administration.

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I thought I knew a good bit about U.S. history, but I never heard of Marcus Garvey. Can people give me an answer, other than a snarky one?

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