Definitely passing this Substack on to others; very interesting!

Ron DeSantis needs to come out and endorse Donald Trump for president. The fact that he hasn’t yet amidst all the rumours that he will run against Trump should tell you his intentions.

We need Trump in the White House again in 2024! He is the best there is to do it!

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As a lifelong independent in Florida, all I can say is fucking FINALLY someone is seeing through this asshole's BS.

He's a neocon who larps as a combat vet but who was actually a lawyer for the govt at Guantanamo Bay.

He does gimmicks to grab headlines then quietly does the opposite of what he said. He wore his gay ass mask and pushed vaccines for 2 years and only flipped when everyone here had stopped that shit.

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Mr. Stone, I hold a great deal of respect for you. Had Trump listened to you more often our republic would be stronger. My discourse with Trump are the vaccines. Trump, refuses to renounce the vaccines and ignores the elephant in the GOP room. I voted for Trump twice and now five people I once knew died from the vaccine and not covid. The youngest was 13-years-old and I watched her die with no resolution from the doctors. Trump, is a weaker candidate due to the vaccines and Trump has thus far refused to promote the Tenth Amendment to nullify tyranny. Operation Warp Speed brought us mass death, suddenly dying, adverse effects, Big Pharma. I'm off the Trump Train.

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Trump never told you or anyone to go out and take the vaccine. ALWAYS reinforced that it is a personal choice, so do not blame him for those whose ignorance and fear made them reckless. In fact, you will recall that he called for the jabs to be given only to high-risk groups, which would be the same ones as in any flu outbreak. Sorry, but such a single-minded myopia is only playing into---perhaps willingly?---the hands of those who are using the splitter strategy to successfully fragment the GOP into competing factions that benefit the Dems, first and foremost, but also players like DeSantis, who needs to chip way at Trump in order to advance his own aspirations. My patience, along with that of millions more, is worn through, with this repeated tactic, eagerly embraced by *purists* who insist that a candidate, Trump, in this case, must tick off every box on the purist's shopping list. That damn near cost us 2016, with the evangelical camp falling in line with the RINO's insistent campaign that Trump was pro-abortion.

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When did you discover the vaccines provided under Operation Warp Speed was toxic?

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When five people I once knew took them and died. One was a 13-year-old girl. Further, Trump diverted 1.5 Billion dollars for to Bill Gates for the vaccines. Why would anyone trust Bill Gates with a dime?

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Incrementally, as anecdotes became stats. Do you recall Trump mandating them?

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I never said Trump mandated the vaccines. Trump's duty was to protect the citizens from harm and to promote Life, Liberty, and Freedom. Providing an unproven vaccine and following the central planners over a 99% survival rate was an epic failure. Trump gave Gates 1.5 billion to Bill Gates for the vaccines. Gates, is on record and in support of World Depopulation. My friends daughter Sherri who was 13-years-old had an immediate adverse effect and was buried August 2021. Was it her fault? What about four others ranging from 30-60 who also died as a direct result from the vaccine. Trump's Operation Warp Speed has killed and adversely affected millions across the world and Trump has the nerve to call himself the "Father of the Vaccines." As you've stated you realized incrementally as you saw the data you realize the vaccines are filth (my words) as our former President don't you think he's aware of the same data if not more? I'm sorry I don't have my reading glasses and it's very difficult to view text.

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I'm terribly sorry about your friend's daughter...that is horrifying. But it must be remembered that this jab was not developed by Trump himself, but delegated to the bureaucratically entrenched *experts* who sabotaged him tremendously. Nor was he in a position to legally fire them, as they were Federal agency hires, not appointees. Dr Deborah Birx---the 'scarf lady'---admitted in her new book and in a public interview, that she---and Fauci, and those in their inner NIH/CDC/FDA circle---intentionally lied to Trump about the efficacy of the jab, along with the lockdowns and 6-foot social distancing rule. She said it with the most infuriating smugness, and even more infuriating, *conservative* media failed to seize on that and scream bloody murder. So my point is that holding Trump accountable for the perfidy and deceit of those who maliciously worked to subvert his Presidency is really counterproductive on several levels. The blame here lies solely on those who knew---as Birx did---that they were lying to him about mitigation efforts. This is a link to her Fox News interview (her book elaborates even more )...https://www.foxnews.com/media/dr-deborah-birx-knew-covid-vaccines-not-protect-against-infection

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Yes, I've read her book. She's a traitor and may the maximum sentence to be carried out.

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The buck always stops on the President's desk. Trump actually did realize he was being misled by the summer of 2020 and to his credit made a change in advisors, bringing in Atlas and Alexander who provided him with good advice.

But the problem for and with Trump has been with these Covid injections. By the end of January 2021, warning signs of adverse events already were flashing and the pre-eminent Dr Peter McCullough first called for a stop to the program. Since then the evidence has continued to grow that these drugs were not safe nor effective for anyone.

It is times like these that real leaders show their mettle and stand up for their people. Not qualify who should or shouldn't do something, but rather categorically state that a program has proved itself unworthy of continuation so as to protect the people of a nation. Even if it means having to admit the leader's prior evaluation was wrong. Especially in matters of life and death, which we are facing now with these injections.

As I wrote above, should this virus continue on its present evolving path, and there is no reason to believe it won't, Trump stands to lose far more politically than he stands to gain by stubbornly continuing to advocate their use so he can say he was the force behind their creation.

For the good of the nation and his own political designs, he needs to renounce his advocacy of these shots now based on the evidence that has accumulated that the shots are causing more harm than good.

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Feb 5, 2023
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Kelly, excellent points. I wrote this article about the GOP: https://darellong.substack.com/p/the-gop-has-failed-to-promote-life

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Feb 5, 2023
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Thank you. Substack is relatively simple. I recommend you go Paid and Free on day one. This way, you can benefit from being "boosted."

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EXACTLY! Trump was surrounded by backstabbing traitors!

The mRNA jab was over 20 years old and killed every animal they gave it to.

I sincerely believe IT WAS THE BIOWEAPON and they created COVID as a reason to give the jab to as many as possible.

Not everyone gets the same shot. The promoters mostly all get only something like saline like Gerald Ford did on TV when the Swine Flu jab made my wife sick and put a female cousin in ICU.

The Swine Flu jab was the source of an argument between my wife and myself because I refused to take it. I already knew the Government was made up of a bunch of Deep State bastards on the financial take.

I have been called a conspiracy theorist for years but the keep proving out as fact.

If Trump or Desantis took the REAL shot I have doubts they will be around to be elected let alone serve out a 4 year term.

Our election process is in the toilet and the mainstream media has their hand on the flush handle!

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We need Trump in the White House not DeSantis he can stay in Florida as the governor!

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Only Trump has the iron will that will be needed to defeat the Deep State. The Dems/RINOs know this, so they continued to direct most of their fire at the sitting former president.

Their worst fear should be our candidate--and his name is Donald Trump.

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Sadly Trump grew the deep state by 50,000 bureaucrats and joined the central planners on the left.

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This informative offering from the Dean of political consultants reminds me of the story about the two dogs that fought to the death for a bone, only to watch in vain as a third dog raced in and stole the bone from the unsuspecting combatants. I could see this happening to Trump and Desantis, especially if Trump does not soon denounce the Covid drugs as useless and dangerous. Because truth be told, the Covid menace is getting more dangerous. Peer-reviewed journals are now reporting discovery that the multiple variants caused by the viral immune escape from the failed injected drugs that cannot neutralize the virus are making the virus more virulent in vitro, and more infectious in vivo. The number of new Covid cases has risen by 50% in each of the last two years in the US despite 200 million people being injected, fueled by Antibody Dependent Enhancement generated by those failed Covid drugs. The immune systems of those that took the shots are fighting desperately to stave off Covid infection and are being exhausted to collapse by recurring Covid infection. It will not be long now for a highly infectious and highly virulent variant to become the dominant version in circulation, and bring with it untold horror for those who no longer will have the energy or the ability to stop the infection, all because they trusted their government to tell them the truth. As the overwhelming numbers of those then succumbing to the virus will be those who took injections, it will become clear that they were not vaccines at all but rather bioweapons of mass destruction.

You don't have to believe me in what I have predicted above, because I am not the prophet, just the messenger. I suggest you learn it for yourself from one of the world's foremost vaccinologists and virologists, Dr. Geert vanden Bossche, who for two years has correctly predicted how the mass injection with a sub-optimal drug during a pandemic of an already-mutating viral pathogen would play out over time. You can watch his latest two video presentations at https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/.

At that point, the political backlash against the politicians who pushed these agents of death upon 200 million people - including most of our military and many of our police departments - will be unstoppable. There will literally be no where to hide for the advocates of this poison that's been shot into the arms of the world for the last two years, and if he still supports the drugs at that point, Trump will be lucky if the only part of that backlash against him will be losing his chance to be President again. For you know the democrats will take every opportunity to blame Trump for the horrific global outcome of these bioweapons, even though they were patented several years before Trump attached his name and reputation to Project Warp Speed (see the 2017 Patent Licensure Agreement ostensibly between the University of Pennsylvania and Moderna at https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1682852/000119312518323562/d577473dex108.htm and the 2018 license agreement between UPenn and BioNTech at https://jdfor2024.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Collaboration-Licensing-Agreement-UPenn-Biontech.pdf ) .

Bottom line is if Covid was a major factor in deciding the election of 2020, then the Covid drugs will be an even bigger factor in determining the outcome in 2024. And right now, Trump doesn't even see the locomotive coming down the tracks that has his name on it, the same way he did not realize in 2020 how traitors inside his administration were plotting to use the Covid outbreak to get Trump out of the White House and the collective hair of the ensconced political class of Washington. A classic case of the pride before the fall.

If you want to know who will be America's President on January21, 2025, look for the most likeable prospective candidates who have refused to advocate on behalf of these Covid drugs from their introduction. Senator Ron Johnson has been one of these leaders, to some degree Senator Rand Paul as well. It is from a small group of courageous leaders like those two men that the next President will emerge, almost as an accident of history.

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Spot on!

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I think you are right about Johnson or Paul.

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More think more people need to hear what you have to say. I'm already a fan. Go forth and present your ideas to the public.

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Thanks very much. It's a crowded field already, and even worse, the degree of cognitive dissonce among the people who would most benefit from what I write is daunting. Steve Kirsch has said repeatedly that the people most at risk now are the ones least desirous of hearing the dangers they face. I'll consider starting a Substack...thanks again for your kind words.

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I have, from the get-go, sensed that DeSantis has been doing an insincere, politically exploitative pantomime of Trump's demeanor, appropriating what makes Trump so popular and beloved, as a calculated ascension up the political ladder. His *I am God* campaign ad only heightened the sense that he is motivated by political calculus. As the mother of an actual Ranger who has seen multiple combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, and has the injuries and Purple Hearts to show for it, that ad offends me and nauseates me.

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I think DJT should be the next candidate HOWEVER... Give me a break!!! Operation warp speed was a failure on Trump's legacy!!! The myocarditis shot campaign is something DJT should walk back on!!!

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DeSantis will endorse Trump as soon as he can if he as smart as he appears. He can buid a far better resume dealing with Florida. His time will come.

As I shared with you on another post, Trump must come clean on the vaccines issue?

It seems to me be this will be the third rail for any Trump reelection. Much as I love Trump and his policies I (and many others) perceive him as a vaccine salesman/pusher. He needs to apologize and explain in some way for the whole mess. If he does not I expect the Dems and media will change jerseys, acknowledge vaccine injuries and death and then blame Trump because of Warp Speed.

I happen to think Trump is the only person on the planet whi can stand up to the Deep Sate, but how he handles this is a threshold issue of major importance to his success.

I look forward to your future talk or post to learn how you think of this matter.

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Well said Roger. I am very concerned about DeSantis as the younger people see him as the alternative Trump. Things are being put into place to shape the 2024 election and this article confirms we need Harmeet at the RNC and the State parties to be full blown ULTRA MAGA. Trump is the only one who can return us to a moral and unwoke society. I am praying for him.

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I'm not sure if you know this, Mike Lindell is running for RNC chairman and has said that he will not take a salary for the position. And you are still going to back Harmeet? She's not even an American citizen.

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Thank you for an well-written and insightful article!

It made me think of something Hunter S. Thompson had written, to the effect that it's hard for normal people to imagine the state of mind that those who think they have a chance to be elected president suffer from....which he compared to a "buck in full rut".

I would guess that DeSantis and Kemp are suffering from the same condition, along with Pompeo and the hapless Pence. Is it politics, or treachery, or do I repeat myself?

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Canceling my subscription. Love DeSantis. No more Trump supporting for me. And none of my friends either. His day is over

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Omg. DeSantis is a rino who voted for TPP under Obama!!!!! That’s why the media and other rinos want DeSantis! He’s one of them!!!!

DeSantis means going back to Bush politics; more war and Jebs amnesty!!!

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Trump failed to take the good advice from Atlas and continues to claim OWS saved lives. Trump recently stated the vaccines saved 100 million lives and elevated Fauci and Birx during this claim. Did Pfizer flip Trump?

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Agreed. He is pigheaded and his ego is too much. Vanity, greed, slothfulness and gluttony are all deadly sins. With the Plandemic, which was clearly planned and orchestrated, we watched greed feeding upon slothfulness and gluttony. Many needlessly died. Many lost everything, including their careers in medicine. Children were traumatized. And here we have a man who clearly is not as well read as Desantis on the issue? Some say Trump was in on it. He has been to the WEF I believe?

And the ventilators? What Bullshit. Now you can but them on eBay or Craigslist. What a waste of money. Jared was in on that. Ever watch MASH? It’s called triage. Shoving grandma on VENT FOR INCENTIVE PAY IS EVIL. People dying alone, on ventilators, is EVIL. Rockefeller Medicine 101. We rank 68th in outcomes and this was the biggest medical blunder in the history of medicine. Dr. Fauci, Brix, Collins all belong in prison, along with Bill Gates.

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Bill Gates profited enormously from the vaccine. Here is an insight to how he did that. https://newrepublic.com/article/162000/bill-gates-impeded-global-access-covid-vaccines

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Prison will be too good for these evil people.

Line them up at the gallows next to their Chief Co-conspirators Bourla and Bancel.

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Fair or not, Trump is toxic now, can't win. And we can't lose this one. You are hardly objective here as Trump pardoned you. Want to win. And Trump trashing DeSantis, the Supreme Court, Youngkin, fox News and anyone he does not like is NOT going to win back the Pre. He is undisciplined and like I said, toxic. DeSantis at least has a chance to win

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You just blithely ignored the entire background laid out for you, regarding DeSantis. Dear gawd, I marvel that the man powers on, knowing the abuse he takes from pigheaded people parroting inane and destructive ( troll-like?) slogans that have no basis in fact. What part of DeSantis' history evades your acknowledgement? This is so silly.

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Running for President is not treachery. Your arguments are as exclusivist as those of the snobs who maligned Trump. This used to be a free country.

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The left took it over, with disloyal treacherous RINOs, and made us not so free at all anymore. Trump won the fair count, but was cheated out of a second term in a myriad of election fraud ways up to and including criminal election fraud by government employees in charge of elections. DeSanctimonious would be selling used cars if it weren't for Trump. He's another disloyal self-server that lacks integrity when integrity gets in the way of his ambition. Now go make me a sandwich Diana, and fetch my socks.

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Very insulting. If this comment is not removed, I will be unsubscribing to this forum.

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the snobs who maligned Trump are the donors to Desantis...

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Desantis has no chance against 45. He should back off instead of making 45 empty his Resources in the primary.

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