Crenshaw also had a huge rumble with country star JohnRich. After Crenshaw called Rich a "one hit wonder," Rich hit Crenshaw stating that the "one-hit-wonder" refused Crenshaw's big $$$ to play at one of Crenshaw's events. Get 'em, John!!

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Dan's the new Chris Christie and as bad as Nancy Pelosi. The fact he didn't honestly disclose what's being traded in his personal trades, wanted a raise and doesn't want to even address insider trading is telling. Very telling. He could've been a contender 😂🇺🇸

He's bought and paid for and while he's getting on Twitter and yelling at the infamous Catturd, who is hilarious, what is he doing for his constituents? I'm willing to guess not too much.

I've been wanting someone to explain the whole affair bc Crenshaw is one of my least favorite Republicans and idk it's just someone I haven't really paid attention to. Now he's in the Adam Kinzinger simp for the money club. At least Cheney is the problem of the Democrats now and no Republicans have to worry about going hunting with him. Lol

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Before Rep Crenshaw became touted by the Republican media hucksters as the next American conservative political hero, I was attracted to his story. But when I saw some of his early press appearances, I realized my favoritism had been misplaced.

I started to witness another Republican politician talk a good game about his priorities, and then vote against what I felt the Republican Party stood for. Then he started criticizing those within the Republican Party who were calling him out for his lobbyist-in-training games. That was enough!

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What’s wrong with Texas? It takes an entire country to get this one awful congressman out.

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Whether he gets tossed at his next election or not, he's already Liz Cheney. Maybe worse, as Liz and Daddy Warmonger sleazily sent others to fight and Crenshaw was fool enough to go--winning what, exactly, and for whom? Certainly not for the American people.

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RINO is as RINO does—kick Crenshaw to the curb just like Mike Pompeo who keeps popping up for no good reason!

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Primary this shithead.

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One wonders if he’s an MK ultra subject.

He turned out to be entirely false to conservative values.

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I had a higher opinion when I first heard of Crenshaw than the one he has solidified since. Just as nobody makes counterfeit Monopoly money or other fake counterfeit $20 bills (note the intended double entendre), I have yet to hear of any fake Democrats or DINOs, of phony leftists. You only fake what is good and admirable and of real value.

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Valentina Gómez just move to his district from MO. Unfortunately I don’t think DC could handle her.

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there's no room for crenshaw in the maga movement and there's no room for elon musk, vivek ramaswamy, peter thiel and the rest of the national security state-funded billionaires feeding off our taxes.

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I agree regards to comment about taxes, all the billionaires Trump included benefit from the special privileges of having their own corporate tax code bought and paid for from our corrupt career politicians from both Parties getting rich in office selling out the American people. Trump at least admits it. In Elon’s defense, were it not for him buying Twitter and cancelling censorship, and risking everything by supporting Trump, Harris would be President IMHO. The problems will not all be solved at once, but moving in the right direction means there is still hope against The New World Order. Trump and Elon are not saints, but they are on our side. I am grateful to God for giving us their talents that we may continue the fight for freedom in the never ending battle of good vs evil. Keep the faith 👍

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None at all. Let them elect him as a Dem or not at all.

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Roger, you have been so hyperoptimistic since Trump's victory I'm afraid upon continued scrutiny your credibility will start to fade, even amongst MAGA people, whoever they are. (Is MAGA what Trump says it is at his whim?). Overall, Trump's first term was so-so. COVID put a major damper on post-term analysis. This reconstituted GOP you envision is based on a perceived Trump Legacy that would be more powerful were he able to run and serve in 2028-29. [I have the legal briefs and arguments to take to SCOTUS on hand making him eligible]. Anyway, this talk of "Mandate" is FAKE NEWS! You should know better Roger. If there was a mandate, it was that America couldn't take any more of Biden/Harris. The election was close. Trump only won the popular vote by 1.5% and didn't even crack 50% of the total votes cast. The Electoral College count was similarly unavailing. I think if anyone else ran against Harris they would have won by double digits, somewhere in the 20-30% range. That was how bad Biden/Harris was. And as far as this Great Realignment in American Politics, you are correct, but not in degree. The UniParty is going to wait him out over the next 4 years that's why Trump needs another term to give your predictions any hope. My stats break it down as follows: Left/Far-Left 25%; UniParty 50%; MAGA 25%. If Trump has a good second term, those numbers could change, but will a good change hold? Not without a THIRD TERM. When are we going to talk? LMK.

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The UniParty has spoken, or at least a sleazy attorney for The UniParty. The 1.5% is a lie because the elections are still rigged and you know it, we all know it. It was “Too Big To Rig”. But down ballot elections were stolen. Mail in voting, Dominion machines, weeks even a month later still counting, no IDs, endless fraud elections. You know who “the deplorables” are? The American people who see the rich getting richer and everyone else falling behind. Your UniParty is evil, globalist Corporate Crony (fake) Capitalism just collectivist special privileges like their own tax code, bought and paid for from career politicians like Crenshaw getting rich in office selling out to MIC, Big Pharma, all of it… the genie is out of the bottle and it won’t go back in. The giant is awakening and we are taking our Country back. So take your high powered lawyer schill show and all your power and money, we will stand on the side of freedom that comes from our Creator, not government. We will see who wins in the battle of good vs evil. We don’t worship false gods of power and money.

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I must say that you're not taking the country back with Trump in charge. The salient factor to watch is the National Debt. In Trump's first term, he floated the idea of minting a $50 Mil Dollar platinum Coin (with his face on it, of course) to pay off the debt. Now Trump the Grifter is heavily into and advocating Cryptocurrency (probably for the same purpose). Currently, we are tethered to a Global Ponzi scheme where the little guy, as you suggest, will never get ahead. Only if we go back to the Gold Standard will everything be above board, transparent, and funds are accountable. When Trump can open a rag of a website such as Truth Social and then almost overnight he is a multi-billionaire, that's when you know something is wrong and corrupt with the system and/or economy. It all seems fake to me. Fake as Fake News.

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And THIS is Government TRANSPARENCY:


I’m here for it 😎 are you?

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We will see. I am more optimistic than you are. I believe President Trump, imperfect as he is and we all are, is moving rapidly to do Gods work to save this Country. Stop and think of what he has been through to accomplish what he is going to do the next four years to save this Country for our children and theirs. “Any fool can condemn, criticize and complain. And most fools do.” - Dale Carnegie

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“A fool is someone doesn’t pay attention and loses focus when shiny objects are dangled in from of them.” Jay Stanley, 2/5/ 2025. It’s a coincidence you cite Carnegie, a businessman, like Trump. Well, what do you think about using taxpayer money for private develoment? I’ll give you a hint: Trump’s plan for Gaza, which is the same way his buddy Robert Kraft operates, if you’re paying attention to the New England area, for example. In any event Will, I think you can find a better role model than Donald Trump to inspire you.

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You mean like USAID: “The DEVIL’s Purse” of Government Mafia & Soros’ NGOs?

Hold my coffee 😎 “watch this”:


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Texas vote him out!!!

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Sorry Dan, no MAGA for you!

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