Trump won and they have been lying about Trump on everything !! God bless you , Roger and the special you did with Jack Posobiec was amazing !! Truth is coming out, ty Jesus


Trump 2024🔥

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If Epstein had dirt on Trump, would he not have used it to keep access to Mar a Lago for his grooming?

It annoys me to see the msm desperately trying to link Trump to Epstein while ignoring significant evidence of the other island attendees.

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These Trump haters will juice up any and all vicious tales whether they are true or un. We all want a decent leader in office. Imagine how much better our nation would be if there was a path to being de programmed by the left press which savors every opportunity to indoctrinate and divide us all. So sad our nation has toppled to this. I blame the left. I hate with a passion their attempts to take down the country my father risked his life to defend in our Navy in WWII and the Korean War. He died of a broken heart when Joe Biden took office. I kid you not.

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Oh how sad about your Father!! I can feel the heart of a man who put his Country before his own life, as a child usually, to see the Country go down Hill as quick as it all happened. It’s so sad to hear that! My Sincerest Condolences to you and your Family. God Bless you all.

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I am so sorry to read this! I know if my father had been alive when Biden was inaugurated, it really would have bothered him much also. My dad took great pride in how he served the Air Force during WW2. It bothers me so much that Biden is having the Vets out in the streets while he is giving the LAWLESS all these benefits. Biden cares less about anybody in reality; only himself. All his actions in office show he has a Satanic soul! 😤

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They continue to use that ONE photo of PresidentTrump with Epstein to prove that they were great pals; when in truth, Trump saw right through him and cut him off. They were never more than acquaintances. BUT, there are dozens of photos of Bubba with Epstein, including the famous painting of Bubba in a Monica blue dress which hung in Epstein's NYC home and the MSM says nothing.

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Epstein has no legs. AI generated!

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You know it’s ridiculous everyone asking for Subscriptions now. We follow so many people that paying these fees is now More than Cable❗️😡 I’m not going to do it. Fees are too high when you add them all up.

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MAGA 2024!!! ♥️🐝♥️

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Good information... Keep it coming..... They all need to hang.... Crimes against Humanity. God's children are not for sale!

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Jan 6, 2024
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Is that news for real?!who is that creep buying all that land for the WEF, for Klaus Schwab to exterminate us. How would we even know if the bugs, roaches weren’t sprayed! It’s all biological warfare, anywhere you turn!

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He was buying land before he was hung. But everyone of his assets went to the Country. Trump has control of all of their assets but all that will be coming to us. And yes, that news is real. In 2017 Trump came unannounced to Davos and told them the jig is over. I’m not sure about Schwab, but Gates and Fauci have been gone. Same as the top guys of Pfizer and Moderna and J&J. The Country is being controlled by the Military and Trump is the Commander in Chief. Don’t fear anything. When the Military tells us to stay inside, we follow the rules. They will be after any one who is out, rioting, protesting anything. Once that’s done, the real show starts!! Full disclosure!!!

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In my opinion, if Trump was at all guilty of any Epstein sex crimes that it would be exposed by now. WHAT HAPPENED To all the videos? If there was one with Trump it would most likely be plastered on YouTube by now for all to see. The Demoncrats have been doing every dirty underhanded scumbag trick they can invent to try to keep him from becoming President again including making it so ever voting in this country remain a worthless waste of our time.

The MSM is trying to propaganda pole Haley in there now because if she gets the nomination it would pull enough Republican votes away for Kennedy in a three way to let whatever is left of Biden to not have to cheat as big to win.

I hope they expose the real whole DAMN bunch but I won't hold my breath!

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Yes it is coming! Think of the info that is coming out with a steady drip unlike last year where it took forever to hear about all the cheating. This plan has been in the works since 63'. It's Strategy will blow you away when you hear the whole plan!! It's nothing short of a Miracle!!

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Not to be a wet blanket, bc I love what you're saying, but how do you know all of this?

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They need got impeach every damn rat in the Biden Admin. None are of any value, no common sense at all. Biden undid everything purposely that Trump accomplished during his term even among all the witch hunts! Clean every crumb bug out! Merrick Garland, they are all criminals! Merrick Garland had zero authority to hire Jack Smith.

I have zero respect for Michael Johnson, what closet did they haul him out from! 😤😤

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Jay Skywatcher. Its nothing but a WWF match; Its a rigged, phony conflict. Pfizer funding Trump's inauguration and Trump's Operation Warp Speed are in conflict with Trump's populace platform. When I look at Trump with this lens his actions and even lack of action make sense. He just is not the person he is claiming to be.

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You do not know the full story yet!!! Where is that information coming from?

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That’s why you won’t listen! You’re afraid you will start believing!! Quite alright. I’m not living In that box anymore. You have to hear and see it all to make up any opinion. Q is so freaking interesting how it matches up with what is going on. Must be too much for you. Shaking my head at your last paragraph! How do you even think of stuff like that?

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Susan Banks. I live on the edge of tomorrow. I am seeing this stuff long before it makes the headlines. B.K. Eakman's books are showing me how this evil is taking root in society. I read a lot.


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Everyone of the news outlets you have shown here are all against Trump. Especially Fox. And most of that is pre vaccine. Warp speed has not even been explained by Trump and what happened. And if Pfizer gave him that money, why have all the top people at Pfizer been arrested and hung? And you know what? You aren’t the only damn one living on yt he edge! Quit being selfish. I bet you don’t know who Q is either? Do you watch any of his Rallies? He has so many comms that he throws out. No one knows what the real truth is, except but a very few, and I doubt Karl, you are one!

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Gotcha! You are a Q follower. Might as well quote Wikipedia.

I was at the rally in D.C. on January 6th. They were playing YMCA and other queer music. Trump might as well throw the finger at his Christian supporters. I have party politics experience that goes back to 1993, I have military intelligence training, and I read a hell of a lot. Its not that hard to figure out a political candidate is playing for the other side especially if one understands psychological manipulation tactics these people play.

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Dude they have been playing psychology in everything they do! We have all been programmed by the CIA. To quote Wikipedia would be idiotic!! They are owned by the deep state! I can’t believe you even said that!! Don’t take me for a fool! If you are right, I have no problem apologizing and telling you you’re right. But you don’t have to lower yourself to make me look stupid!!

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'The Clinton's War on Women,'I know that the Trumps were on Epstein "plan" only once. fyi... Trump Won!

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Yeah, Hillary idolized Margaret Sanger, UGH! I think Margaret’s plan was to give abortions to all the black women so they wouldn’t have children. She believed in eugenics like Hitler. Hillary also idolized Saul Alinsky and learned from him.

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It's been reported that Clinton left his Secret Service details behind on numerous excursions to Epstein Island. Wonder why he would do that?

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Ugh, maybe he was too busy doing you know what!

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Do not take the shot !!

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I know, and then try to unsubscribe, that’s a pain, too. Then when you’re not reading all

These substacks, that’s a real waste. Who can read all this stuff without your head blowing up from information?

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you still sucking trumps dick even after he threw you to the curb like garbage. hahahahahah. loser.

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Sounds like you belong in a bitchute comment section, not here. Why so rude?

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No he isn't he's promoting flynn

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Clintons continued to socialize and fundraise with Jeffrey Epstein after his state conviction.

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No she didn't. This was all done before it started! We've been watching a Movie. These people been gone so long that it's spun your head out of control. Calm down and very soon our Disclosure will be here!

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Do you really know what was going on at St James? You wouldn't believe me so I'll save my fingers!

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Don't you think Trump is looking rather sheepish here when it comes to questions about Epstein?


Remember, Trump was gung-ho in prosecuting Hilary Clinton and that was his first broken campaign promise. Does anyone see Trump promising to make public and prosecute Epstein's clients? We aren't going to have a representative government if all our public servants are being blackmailed.

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MeidasTouch, really? He's a democrat shill, seriously. So Trump is disgracing our country, yet Biden get's a pass for showering with and sexually abusing his own daughter? Yes, I actually have seen Trump saying he will declassify it all. In the past, he thought it would be too much for the American people to digest.

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JB808. Remember, it was Hillary Clinton that wanted to run against Trump.

Ever go to a World Wrestling Federation match? Its exiting and the crowd is made to believe what they see is real. It is not. You can find video of Trump playing a part in these antics. What you are seeing in much of US and world politics is also staged.

If what you are saying happens, great. But Trump won't survive in office long enough to make his promises reality. This is why he is promising everything. The time for action was in his first term.

Ask yourself, How many excuses can you give someone before you realize they are pulling one over on you? Give me a number. I am certain Trump has exceeded that limit. You already have given two excuses for Trump: 1. Operation Warp Speed and (your last statement )2. Declassifying Democrat/Deep State crimes.

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Excuses? I prefer explanations. The way I see it, they were attacking him the minute he started his term and before, even. They kept him so busy with all their fraudulent nonsense, I'm impressed he got anything accomplished. When all's said and done, I'd rather Trump be in the WH, than Harris/Walz. He's not going to unmask and show us his horns right away, so we're buying time. If you're right, then we're all fucked, so it won't matter till the guns come out. Until then, I don't see any harm in keeping faith alive, and not dwelling on the negative. You've heard of self-fulfilling prophecies? Every step you take today, will take you where you'll be tomorrow. Thoughts work that way, as well. OK, so I won't necessarily leave it up to Trump alone, he's a cog in the wheel, but in something bigger that's turning the wheel...not the powers that be, but GOD. There will be no New World Order. It's been good talking to you...you make me have to examine my reasons why. Don't you think I struggle with all these things you mention, too? Thank you. I'll see you after Armageddon. God bless you, stay safe. Happy trails. 🇺🇸💟

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She has been gone!!! So has all of Epstein Island! It’s gone!! You need to listen to someone who knows more than the information you’re saying here! Gosh darn! Did you not see Trumps Capitulation Tour! They all had to walk behind Trump, meaning they weren’t in power anymore! That was on the darn TV!!! Back in 2017. I don’t understand how you can lead someone to the truth and they still don’t get it! All of them have been hung. There is Gitmo, and Terra Del Fuego, and Camp Blaz, and one more I cant think of name right now but this is where all of them went. If you’re seeing any of them it’s a double. No more clones. Austin was just blown up in Ukraine, his second home. But that just happened. So Don’t Fear! Just because the MSM isn’t saying anything (which you shouldn’t be watching anyway), doesn’t mean nothing is happening! We are at the precipice of this whole plan. Trust the plan. It has been in the works for many years. Wait until you read how many times the deep state was going to go along and what they did everytime to stop the process. It’s really sad! Many people were tortured. And most of them were children. God Bless you Karl. Where we go 1, we go all! WWG1WGA

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Jan 6, 2024
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I figure she is dead too. Her double is much younger. Joe appears to have more than one. I too think John Jr is still alive. Lot of other stuff that there is too much evidence.

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Jay Skywatcher. Every women looks much younger than they actually are. That is the magic of makeup. I will look into the Hillary replacement idea. There was a Hillary look alike used after her collapse in 2017 but thought it was a one off.

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That’s when they say she died! John Jr was in that black van!! She thought she killed him in 99’. John went underground from 99 to now. He’s been at many Rally’s right behind Trump.

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Susan Banks. 'follow the plan' sounds like a Q follower. In gathering my information I made the conscious decision not to listen to anonymous sources. People need to have skin in the game. Hillary Clinton may be a red herring. There are other signs Trump is following a globalist agenda. Trump is a Judas and he has already betrayed us. I don't have another political direction to point you to but don't waste your valuable time on Trump.

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Yay Jay!! He is alive!! Kayleigh McEnney is his daughter and Ezra Cohen is his Son

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Susan Banks. I could be wrong but it looks and sounds like Hillary Clinton to me.


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