Punishing enema. Wordsmithing worthy of Hemingway. : ))

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Is the proposed audit of the Federal Reserve going to lead to the public-at-large being educated about it? It is a privately owned and operated institution that runs our public economy. It shouldn’t. Will we be able to overcome the reach of the banker elite and disengage ourselves from its clutches?

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Why waste time auditing it? End it!

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Best choice!

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And the installed President of Ukraine who is leading the globe into World War III is a person …

who cannot even win a conversation.

Trump already won the War by proving it isn’t ours.

The war, our war, is against anyone who thinks this idiocy is a good idea.

And their kind.

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I’ll be the first to get behind an audit of the Fed. The only partial audit reveled that during the 2007-2009 “financial crisis,” which the Fed created (just like the crash of 1929 and the Great Depression); the Fed loaned over $16 Trillion to “some of the largest financial institutions and corporations in the United States and throughout the world" 

That comes directly from Bernie Sanders’ website, which by the way, that link is now dead. I spoke with Sanders and asked why if our debt was $14.7 trillion, why didn’t we just pay down our own debt. He replied, “It’s not that simple.” I argued that it was that simple and that the Fed was neither federal, nor were there any reserves. he made an excuse about being out of time and abruptly hung up.

Folks, it’s not federal and there are no reserves. It’s about as federal as Federal Express. It’s a private bank, and cartel so to speak. If DOGE and/or Trump ever manage a complete audit, watch for one of them to get a bullet in the head, just like JFK.

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Taking down the IRS and the FED? Great. Both were a scam from the Rothschild bankers and JD Rockefeller Sr., the latter got his "angel funding" from the Rothschilds.

Imagine a highway robber taking money from people, so that they don't have enough to live and plan for the future. The people have to go to the robber's lair and get a loan with interest, even though it was their money.

Clever or devious? Get rid of 16th Amendment, or have an amendment that income tax is fixed at 5% of income for all those making in excess of $100,000 per year, and that threshold can only be reviewed every 10 years, and can never go down in nominal amount. Allow deductions for charities, etc.

FED? Okay...another story: In '21 - '23 Weimar Germany, the greedy Paris House of Rothschild was getting paid back its onerous reparations from the 1919 Versailles Treaty in hyper-inflated currency.

The Rothschilds and JD Rockefeller Sr. wondered how to saddle the public with so much debt that the principal can never be paid off, just paying on the interest, and even requiring the public to borrow more just to pay on the interest.

1. Voila! They invented the Bank of International Settlements (1930). Stop governments from printing money and paying back debts with inflated currency. Instead, have governments buy money from banks in exchange for government debt securities.

2. Bad timing for BIS because '29 stock market crash spilled over into Germany. Hitler went from far-right wacko to Chancellor and then dictator in 3 years because of the Germans didn't want the Jewish bankers imposing fiscal feudalism.

3. Instead of hyper-inflated currency to try and afford goods a family needs to survive, the bankers used amortizing payments to allow the public to tread water, but only just barely, so as to control inflation.

4. Any time they feel like it (since '87 the BIS is a nation-state), the Rothschilds or others in their cohort create wealth out of thin air via buying securities or other debt instruments from any country they feel like. They can then launder the money by running it through a couple of exchanges, first cashing in and then using FX, then buy other securities and put them in their personal accounts. You are none the wiser.

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