I think he's their new psyop. Psycholgical warfare! I've been following George Webb's latest posts. You must check them out! INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM (like actual evidence)!!! Boots on the ground, check out who this guy really is!!!! Jeffrey Prather also talking about it...
Obama, Elizabeth Warren et al gave us Washington based one size fits all health
care in the form of the ACA. The ACA put large corporations/'insurance companies in charge of our health care. Now they complain about the insurance company/corporate dominance of the very system they created- time to transfer this power back to individual states- and spend the resources on health care instead of corrupt Washington bureaucracy.
The left believes in reverse trickle down- lavish money on corporations and hope some of the care resources trickle down to average people. Time to put the patients and people back in charge. Stone is exactly right about Mangione.
I think he's their new psyop. Psycholgical warfare! I've been following George Webb's latest posts. You must check them out! INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM (like actual evidence)!!! Boots on the ground, check out who this guy really is!!!! Jeffrey Prather also talking about it...
(I'm not saying he didn't shoot the guy!) H
That makes more since than the MSM narrative if everything is factual.
Obama, Elizabeth Warren et al gave us Washington based one size fits all health
care in the form of the ACA. The ACA put large corporations/'insurance companies in charge of our health care. Now they complain about the insurance company/corporate dominance of the very system they created- time to transfer this power back to individual states- and spend the resources on health care instead of corrupt Washington bureaucracy.
The left believes in reverse trickle down- lavish money on corporations and hope some of the care resources trickle down to average people. Time to put the patients and people back in charge. Stone is exactly right about Mangione.
No, just a sick little punk bastard who is fixing to spend the rest of his life getting his Rectum and Colon Stretched by Let's and Bubba.
All the above. Definitely Oswald 2.0